I think this map is outstanding, but it could be even better with following improvements:
1. Explodable cars should have Fallout like sprites- like Corvega or Military truck. Also I want to add completely destroyed cars-just like trash.
+ there should be one big explosion for car, not 4-6.
2. All explosions (mines,cars,boxes,fridges) should have less dammage but longer range, like HE grenade.
I want to know: What is explosion range and power for HE grenade- that would be great improvement for all explosion entities on the map.
3. There should be more tiles for doors and walls,also I'd like to make broken fridge tile.There should be no problems,since cs2d v1.9 editor has tile rotation function.
4. I have idea of making night-day change. Your meaning needed. ( Make it for map version 2 or not?)
5. I would make some destroyed trains in the subway.
6. I don't know if there should be more item boxes, mines, cars... your ideas again. I think there should be more cars.
7. Make river No Buildings zone.
8. All ideas and advises would be good, as I did this map alone just imagine what would I do in team!
Additional info:
I need help of spriter to: make car and destroyed train sprites and add some tiles to tileset
and help of scripter to: make a good script for global Fallout server.
Script idea: I'm zero at sripting, but I'm sure it's possible to create such script.
There are 31 level and 3 classes for each level except 31. Classes are itemlist, health and speedmod.
For example: level 1:
Ghoul- hp75 items: claws speedmod 2 (+ ghoul face sprite possible)
Raider- hp100 items: light armour,usp,HE,mac10,machete speemod 0
Vault Dweller- hp 100 items: light armour usp, ump45 speedmod 1
anyway there should be following commands:!dropcaps-drop coins
!stimpack- +20hp -500$
!medx- +40hp -1000$
!help-to show all cmds
Item menu possible. It would be good to add stealthboy, T-51 and BoS power armor.
Items which player drops when dies should stay on place so everyone can pick them up- There should be no limit for weapon use except rocket launher, RPG , Laser and Super armour
which unlock on last levels. You may say: " Hey! That's just item list!" yes it is, but these are items given basicaly on spawn.Also classes regulate players speed and maximum
It would be good to script some NPC like Ghouls, Supermutants, Deathclaws and onther. Raiders can be created with soldier NPC sprite replace.
I'm working on levels system idea, but it may sound stupid,so nowone will script it. I need your comments.
About sprites: Of course I can make sprites, I've made rails, Megaton bomb and Washington memorial sprites, statue of Lincoln, Brand logos (Enclave, Vault-Tec, Nuka Cola), and moded other sprites,
but I can't make detailed sprites like transport or weapons.
I'm little bit upset because development of Fallout Wars mod stoped

Next map ideas are: Vietnam War (Battlefield Vietnam), GTA Vice City (in progress already),Star Trek (in progress,sounds,sprites and tiles ready), Back To The Future, Fallout: New Vegas (just idea).
edited 1×, last 06.01.12 09:14:39 pm