I apologize for any translation errors or inaccuracies. If something of writing you do not understand me - write and I'll try to rephrase.
So, on the topic.
I would like to talk about the use of resources in the game - because y modders there are specific issues when creating new maps and servers.
For example I have at this time there were two problems and, accordingly, two proposals for addressing them.
1. When creating maps and servers use the standard resources (sounds, sprites), but they are copied by the authors in their convenient folder - which leads to cluttering folders with the resources game.
2. When creating maps, many authors often draw a map of his signature using tiles - apparently they are not familiar with the rules - the signature of the author to be mentioned in the info map.

http://cs2d.com/help_mapping.php?part=3 has written
Your Name In Your Map
Is annyoing. You shouldn't use tiles to write your name/nick and you shouldn't use extra images for that crap.
Use the briefing to show that you made that map! Briefings are txt-files in the maps-folder of CS2D! Simply create a txt-file which has the same name as your map!
Is annyoing. You shouldn't use tiles to write your name/nick and you shouldn't use extra images for that crap.
Use the briefing to show that you made that map! Briefings are txt-files in the maps-folder of CS2D! Simply create a txt-file which has the same name as your map!
Proposal for decision:
1. Create special-topic for verification and create a list of standard resources and otakzhe to function on-line registration for new resources in the list and the possibility to update them in the game editor.
To this list, you want to create a logical folder hierarchy system with resources - both originally made standard.
Also required to reflect the reorganization of the system in use tiles (often the author tiles differ little from the standard).
As an alternative reconciliation and approval of the updated resources as a "standard" can be made using the moderators and the voting.
2. Make editor automatic verification using signatures to file maps and descriptions of the author's name when loading maps, making the author's name and his USGN when creating a new map or update data in the case of editing other people's maps.
This can further help in pointing owners and creators of updated maps and resources.
edited 2×, last 11.05.11 03:42:48 pm