
Football tiles
11 replies

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You can make your own tileset very easy.
Go on
"Counter-Strike 2D>gfx>tiles>blank_tileset_max_size"
That is the biggest Tileset you can edit in CS2D!
Now you can edit it with Paint/Gimp/...and so on...
But I searched. There is no finish football tileset.
but the football-maps that I have all use the gfx\tiles\cs2dnorm.bmp tileset.

I don't can create good tiles(eig is bisjetzt blos n haufen scheiße rausgekommen)
(eig is bisjetzt blos n haufen scheiße rausgekommen)
Answer- German=
Bei dir auch?

If I create a tileset its look horrible!
Answer- English=
You too?

Hador, you are German too? LOL
I want to create a tileset, but it's look like green Monster
Yes, I give you (and everybody) permission to edit and use this tileset.
Don't come here I will beat you all
The map has to include tiles, I'm sure you'll find some.