CS2D server problem NAT hole punching
CS2D server problem NAT hole punching
2 replies At first I have to say I read all the server hosting guide but I didin't find something about NAT hole punching what, I think, is my problem. I will show you some pictures with info in it, my ips and other, maybe you, guys can help me.
My ip:
I have router, becouse I have 2 computers in my house, here's port forward:
My cmd with "ipconfig/all" (only wireless connection shown, I cut other):
Windows firewall port:
My server server.cfg:
My ip is static becouse of this (I think):
When I host server (open cs2d_dedicated.exe) my server is shown in the cs2d's website server list:
But I can't see my server in CS2D in game server list [Internet]. This happens when I try to connect to server by IP:
(Some picutres are shown as a link so click it, I don't know why [ img] [/img ] disappeared)
So I think my problem is soemthing about NAT hole punching, but I don't know what's that and how to fix it, maybe someone know what is NAT hole and can help me.
Another strange thing is that sometimes server works correctly and player can come in, my server is shown in CS2D's serverlist and there isn't any NAT hole error when someoens tries to connect. It happens rarely and I didin't change anything after that but something happens. for example server worked normal yesterday, there was 5 players, server was shown in CS2D's in game server list, but today when I tried to turn on server NAT hole thing happened again. I didin't change something and that's really strange. If you need another info just ask, I will make a picture. I'm waiting your answers.
BTW, sorry for bad english, but I hope you can understand my post
DC Admin
first of all:
never test your server/router/firewall settings by joining your server from within the same network. this CAN'T be a good scenario for testing.
much better:
ask a friend to join your server.
about the nat hole punching thing: it's not an error but a cool technique to trick router NAT tables (this is only necessary if the forwarding is done wrong). I don't know exactly why this happens in your case but it looks like joining from your own network fails because the router doesn't forward the packets correctly. you should still be able to join by using the LAN server list (since the server is in the same local network) or the LAN IP.
one thing is for sure: nat hole punching is NOT your problem. it can't be a problem. but when server works my players and I (from my own network) can join server and when server have problems I and my players can't join server so I can check my server from my own network I think
It's strange that sometimes server works correctly and sometimes, when I DIDIN't CHANGE ANYTHING doesn't work, that's really strange.
Okey if NAT hole punching can't be problem how to understand that when server works correctly players connect and there aren't any messages about NAT hole punching to xx.xx.xx.xxx:xxxxx and when server doesn't work I see that line.
BTW: If, when server works incorrectly and, I see that line about nat hole punching when I try to connect, if another player from other network tries to connect I see the same line only his IP instead of my and is same (NAT hole punching to xx.xx.xx.xxx)
Sorry for mistakes I made
EDIT: if I write mp_natholepunching 0 in server.cfg problem isn't fixed, then if player trying to connect he fails and in server's console I see nothing, like noone tried to connect and my server is listed in the CS2D's website servers list and isn't listed in the cs2d [internet] servers list