dedicated server question
dedicated server question
3 replies If I posted this in the wrong section, I'm sorry I don't know anywhere else to post this. I'm getting a laptop next week and I'm asking just a simple question here. When I put my laptop on hibernate or just close the top of my laptop while running the dedicated server software, will it stop the software or pause it until I open my laptop up again? If you put it on hibernate then AFAIK it will stop. However if you close the top of your laptop without hibernation mode then it will remain operative. I'm kind of guessing about the hibernation part though, I never put my laptop on hibernate.
P.S. There's a forum section called Servers, just so you know.
//laptop_user It will only keep running for as long as your computer is in normal mode. No sleep, no hibernate, not locked or logged off.
The only way to keep it running but safe energy is by turning off the screen (can be done via control panel).
But I highly disadvice you to run a server on a laptop, except if you have very good uploading speeds and a decent connection. If you want to host a LAN game or two for your mates and you then your laptop should be fine. However, you cannot keep hosting if your computer is in the form of a standby, hibernate, or other similar state. If you want to host online, do yourself a favour and rather just buy a server.