k so i remade the tunnels i added them in the midlle so if you attack other castle there will be in the tunnells some secret pachs for faster way and now no cannons it will be real medieval war there will be catapults! there is some guns,armors pack ill add in the creas post them thereedits guns,armors makers names so there will be weapons pack for more fun

more realistic so weapons
~five seven = bow
machete,and some more if u got some ideas post them
so some classes wsrior,guard,scout,bowsman
2villages with dom points so i think the mod will be ctf
in randoms spots there will be some explodes
how to get health?
i made some cooking stuff
soz for mistakes writing from telephone

So theres spawn with (Fun pack)

So the castle should look like this

if you got any ideas post them there to make better castle?

edited 3×, last 23.06.11 10:00:37 am