Stranded II
Fishing not working in my custom map.
Fishing not working in my custom map.
2 replies Some of you know I created a custom mod... anyways I am working on a map for that. I created a large fishing area as well as spawn info for various fishes & sea critters (i have dolphins & whales, among others) in the area. (I know the fishing area spawns fishes). It's actually between the main island and a smaller island off the coast. But when I go to fish ... nothing. So I used the script to bump up my fishing skills a lot to see if that helped. Still ... nothing.
I created a new random map, didn't add a thing and bumped up the fishing skills and it worked so I didn't break anything inside the infos.
Did I do something wrong?
P.S. I will zip & PM the mod & map to anyone who asks. However I cannot publish it as it uses bits & pieces from all sorts of other mods and it's private.
EDIT: I think I posted this in the wrong section. If I did would a mod please move this. Sorry I believe you need to store fish in the info. You can do this by clicking on the info and choosing the store button.
Ps. Can I have a copy of your mod anyway, for personal amusement? Its not closed to finished yet but Ill PM you