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English Web Map Editor or In-Game Map Editor

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Poll Poll

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Web CS2D Map Editor
53.33% (8)
In-Game CS2D Map Editor
46.67% (7)
15 votes cast

old Poll Web Map Editor or In-Game Map Editor

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Related thread thread cs2d Web CS2D Map Editor

I'm totally confused now. Making a Web CS2D Map Editor is an awesome idea, but uploading additional sprites, sounds and other stuff would be hard. Also making In-Game CS2D Map Editor would be also cool and much easier to collaborate with others, and everything related to map is already uploaded at the map.

@user DC: I bet that it's impossible to hide sprites and objects like trees in-game. How to hide them? Maybe Trigger_Start does that but idk...

old Re: Web Map Editor or In-Game Map Editor

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If it were a web editor, offering collaboration, it could have the requirement to run in the CS2D folder. With the images, sounds and maps readable and writable to the server, it could serve the editor and resources to the web client.

old Re: Web Map Editor or In-Game Map Editor

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user Mami Tomoe has written
Wont a web editor be laggier and unavailable offline though?

A web editor may even work while being offline if you download and save the entire website. Of course it depends a bit on how the thing works. Who cares though? Nearly nobody is still offline nowadays.

Also the performance is not necessarily worse. Modern web technologies like WebGL and WebAssembly are quite fast and definitely more than sufficient to power something simple like a tile map editor.

@user Gaios: cool stuff! √
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