
My server been DDosed
27 replies
You could DDos back.
How to find his ip?
My suggestion was an obvious joke as DDosing is illegal in some countries. This maybe helps:

Hello guys, i have window server where we playing 5v5 mixes. Someone ddosing my server everyday so i want to ask you is there a way to protect server from ddos. Please for free. Thanks
Where hosting provider your server for Windows Server?
recommend OVH we have location NA, EU, Asia, AU.
DDoS Protection:
Nah man...seriously? It's not even your server

edited 1×, last 18.06.21 04:50:39 pm


I condemn such actions. It's absolutely unacceptable.
Unfortunately there is no effective or free way to protect against this kind of stuff.
Make sure that your firewall rules are in places. This can mitigate weak attacks. I assume that the vast majority of attacks in CS2D is actually not DDoS but simply forged packages just like

It's absolutely crucial to have at least the firewall rule metntioned here.


1) detect USGN ID of the guy who did the DoS
2) ban the IP, because it's useless, the guy who DoS can simply reboot his router. It makes available bans only by IP range, although it can be bypassed via VPN.
3) rapidly see the attacker's IP, since they'll need to look at the connection log and then search for suspicious things with difficulty.

I'd like to merely say that I've found the description of this DoS method on the website, so it's written by you. The link describes the one of things I've used, I can confirm that some server owners doesn't protect their projects properly

ohaz: What's the law which doesn't allow me to use the bug of the CS2D Dedicated server? I don't see anything bad in it, even if there's a quite simple way to protect own server from such attacks.

Also for a list of all US state laws handling DoS attacks:
There are quite a lot of countries with laws against Denial of Service attacks. Europol tracks down lots of people attacking with DoS in Europe. Even with international crime like the crime you're doing.

Anyway, I am not the same person about who does the topic starter wrote.
You are ruining the fun of others for no reason when you're crashing servers. Imagine you're playing on a server, you're having a good run and it suddenly goes offline. This is just annoying. Imagine you're the owner of a server - you're probably even paying money for it - but some idiots ruin the server by crashing it all the time so that it can't be used properly anymore.
Ultimately such actions can entirely destroy a game if too many people keep attacking servers. The game becomes unplayable because servers go offline all the time. Server owners stop renting servers and players switch to other games because the game servers are not stable.
It's true that such people are part of the community. Unfortunately. It's a bad and very destructive part and it would be better for everyone to not have such people around.
It's also true that some of the attacks could be prevented quite easily but this doesn't make such attacks any better. The negative effects are the same unless server owners protect their servers properly.