
Why are there so few people playing?
27 repliesBut it had a really good run, being almost always active everyday with tons of user generated content being made, with official support seemingly never ending despite no profit. It's really cool how this little indie game made it so far, when so many other indie multiplayer games stay on 0 players forever, even if they don't deserve it. It managed to build a community, got people to connect and make friendships that last to this day, it got people to get into coding, pixel art, map design, which then led to some of them making their own games and maybe even get a job as a programmer and such. It's really awesome, and something to appreciate about CS2D and DC forever.
I'm just waiting for Stranded III: Revenge of the Burning Turtle and Carnage Contest 1.0 now. Aaaany time now.

I just don't understand how so few people are playing. There used to be ddos attacks a lot
now there's a new scrollbar glitch.
well hopefully playerage will pick up some someday.

Simple answer: devs don't care about this game, the game is so broken and impossible to update because of the old engine. Now people got decent hardware and theres better games (some of them are free), so yeah people always search for better stuff.
if devs dont't care about the game - game gonna die some years ago. I think game need advertisement. Game have things to do. Like map editing, mods, lua scripts, need just your imagination.

CS2D is an old game. No one gonna play an old game like CS2D. You can just play CS2D but only few people play it. Even the older Players in here are now adult and cannot play CS2D since their having so many schedule.
That's not only because we have a lot of routine to do, but also because it's so easy to get tired after years of actively playing the same game. Even if it receives updates.
Shame to see it go like that - I had lots of fun playing this game
this game can rest in piece now

Simple answer: devs don't care about this game, the game is so broken and impossible to update because of the old engine. Now people got decent hardware and theres better games (some of them are free), so yeah people always search for better stuff.
It's not as broken as you point it out to be, nor impossible to update, it's just that the dev sees no point in adding any new features to the game, and I agree with him. Indie or not, there's a certain point in time when developers stop adding new features to old games, and just fix bugs, if even that.

CS2D is an old game. No one gonna play an old game like CS2D. You can just play CS2D but only few people play it. Even the older Players in here are now adult and cannot play CS2D since their having so many schedule.
What does age have to do with anything? Take CS 1.6 as an example, it's pushing 20 years at this point, and doing just fine, with many thousands of players each day.

I think game need advertisement.
No amount of advertisement will revive CS2D. People do not find the game attractive, and new players check it out for a few hours and then move on, as there is nothing that will make them want to stay. It's not 2010, the golden era of CS2D is loooong over. It is a sailed ship.
Now the only players remaining are those who are truly passionate about the game, and won't give it up no matter what, plus a number of constant passerby players, this is a specimen present in many old games. Even though an old game's community shrinks after a few decades, there will always be a few enthusiasts that keep the game just alive enough so that it can be played whenever you feel like it. Take Day of Defeat as an example, a game by Valve released in 2003, with early alphas starting in 1999. It once also had thousands of players, just like CS2D, now it has been reduced to a little over a hundred active players. Valve completely stopped supporting the game long ago, and advertising it, so very few new players exist. But the ones that do, they keep playing the game out of their love for it, not wanting it to completely die. It has a tight-knit, yet small community of people who played it for decades, I know a few of them who played it since its earliest days, and still play it, with no intention of stopping. I'd like to think all of this also applies to CS2D.

Rather than crying about old times better realise that nothing will be like in before so or make Your own cs2d(cs2d 2) game already(there are many people well experienced in most game making aspects, make a team and connect into game dev) or stop crying already and take reality as it is.
/Shouldn't be thread trashed already as it doesn't make sense due to the first part of the message?

The problem is that y'all crying all the time