Stranded II
Stranded 2 Questions.
Stranded 2 Questions.
4 replies Hello. I haven't downloaded the game yet but I was wondering...
1) Is it easy to play the game in German? I don't speak any German at all but I'm interested in giving this game a go.
2) How are the graphics? Nice?
3) How is the gameplay? What do you do in the game?
Luzora 1) There's an english patch. It's one of the pinned topics here. Check it out.
2) Graphics are... uh... very indie-game. The effects, lighting, and so on -- they're all very good. But the models and animation are... really quite simple. However...
3) The gameplay is so awesome you won't even care. It's quirky, it's not for everyone, and a Crusoesque stranded-on-an-island sim isn't for everyone. But for those of us who've wanted something like this for our whole gaming career, it doesn't disappoint. Thank you very much for your answer! I'll be downloading it later today.
1 more question if I may ask, is it better then the first stranded? It is, definitivly. At least imho.
But best is to get your own opinion. It's easy enough to play the german version (until you reach a part where you have to talk to people), but the latest english patch is out and really easy to install, so it would be basically pointless. I played all the way till the pirate on german, then the 1.0.0 beta english patch came out.