Stranded II
How about the cheats ?
How about the cheats ?
10 replies Hi there,
Just finished stranded 2 the other day and now tried to access the cheatmenu for playing without all the hazards and stuff. I read about typing ^ and then a cheatmenu will open......
Well, I may be stupid or whatever but nothing happens ? Don't know exactly what to do. Any advice will be appreciated.....
Grizzly when pressing ^ the CONSOLE opens.
There you've got to tipp cheat and press enter. Thanx Lizard, but when I try to type ^ totally nothing opens !
Did you pressed the button left of the "1" on the alpha nummeric part of your keyboard? And is caps lock off (not sure if this matters)? Maybe try pressing the key which is left to "1" and below "Esc" Yes !!!
Stealth, thanx so much. Typing the key under the ESC did work fine
Name of the key is tilde... Yes on the english keyboard the Button looks like this:
~ I cant understood anything from it. Where is the cheats? How to enable it? DC Admin
Start Stranded II and load a game/map
Press the Key under your ESC-Key (~ on us keyboards, ^ on german keyboards)
Enter "cheat" or "dm" (without the ") in the console which appears
Confirm with the Enter-Key on your keyboard
You will see a menu with some cheat options. just click the buttons to use them (On the British keyboard, the key is this:
When talking about keyboard keys, 'tilde' almost always refers to the key under escape, regardless of whether that key is ~.