Welcome to the CS2D Clan Database! Since there are many active clans in CS2D, it's very hard to choose which one to join. This thread is here to prevent other new clan threads. Here's how it works - anyone can post information about any clan that has existed in CS2D; their leader, website, or practically anything that relates to the clan. Since this a database, some clans posted here will be from the most oldest clans in CS2D. If the leader of the clan wishes not to have their information hosted, let me know. The format should be presented like so:
Clan Name:
Clan Leader:
Total Members:
Clan Website:
Other Information:
Place of Origin:
I'll give you an introduction to each part of the format:
Clan Name - Your clan name, simple enough. Your clan tag may also be written.
Clan Leader - The Leader and/or vice leaders is written here.
Total Members - Here, state only the amount of members you have in the clan, not the names. Also if you have a multigaming clan, you can state all the members, but please include how many members are in CS2D. Remember, numbers only.
Clan Website - Your website / homepage. Leave blank if you do not have one.
Other Information - Show what your clan has to offer. This can vary from who can be recruited to when you have clan training sessions. Or perhaps you want to leave a happy greeting. All are acceptable.
Place of Origin - Self explanatory. Location of where your clan formed. If you have co-leaders from two different countries, those may be posted.

- Please do not add "[Insert Clan Here] is the best" on the Other Information field. There is no best clan in CS2D; everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I cannot stress this enough, so please don't do it.
- If your clan has Co-Leaders / Vice-Leaders, you can add a sub-format, VL:, right after "Clan Leader" OR add an "&" to separate the leaders.

- If possible, try to copy the format that I have stated above to include in your post. It's much more efficient to scroll through one general format rather than posts with different variations of the original (i.e "Clan Name" instead of just "Clan", "Total Members" instead of just "Members").
I hope this will help the CS2D community with clan searches along with looking back on its history. We can start checking on clans now! Post away!
Registered Clans:
1. |KiNg| / |K| / {KiNg}
2. 2dbr | 2D Brazil
3. [TGV] / Twisted Golden Veins
4. [-=A41=-] / All For One
5. [S|I|C] / S|I|C=EP
6. [DBD] / Death Before Dishonor
7. Arctic Squad
8. U.S. Gamers
9. -ES- / Elite Snipers
10. [LCS2D] / Legendary Counter-Strike 2D
11. 2D[P] / 2D Pwners
12. ||F.C.G||
13. Chile / cL.Gaming
14. ||ACID||
15. [FSS] / First Strike Squad
16. The Lunatics
17. RedStarClan
18. =[DoD]= / Dragon of Death
19. Hells Diner
20. |Storm_PL|
21. |TSC| / Counter Strike Terrorist
22. SpeedCore.[-UzZ-]# / SpeedCore.[-Unia zamaskowanych Ziomali-]#
23. |SLD| / Soeldner
24. {PSI}
25. |>FDF<| / Fitness Dog Fighting
26. KtA / Kill Them All
27. SC | / Silent Commandos
28. *S3* / Special 3dition
29. [UsK] / Universal super Killers
30. [D.†.P] / DreamTeamPlayers
31. sH | / Soul Hunters
32. |hs|. / hunters squad
33. *Dark_Army* / Dark Army
34. tik-gaming / The incredible KillaZ
35. [BlackSun] / Blacksun
36. sCore | / Speed Core
37. |BTC| / Blood Team Clan
38. [SUP]
39. Red Planet / .|rP|
40. CS-United / |cs-United.|
41. *GmG | / Global Multi Gaming
42. Bullets 4 You / [b4u.|
43. |N|*|D|*|K|
44. EliteBR :: / Elite Brazil
45. [SaD] / Smile and Die
46. e-Life .Eletronic Life 2D Team
47. Clan of the Queens / |<CotQ>|
48. Tigger Happy / *|TH|*
49. »G-X~c[X]c« / C0MBAT[X]CR3W|»Green-X
50. SKrR l #. ~ Shoot.Kill.Rinse.Repeat
51. -=\AoV/=- / Angels of Victory
52. gobr | Go Brazil
53. ]<|>BLOD<|> / Black Legion of Doom
54. [DSX] - DeZTroYerZerK Silver Xire
55. PS / Pirates or NBK / Natural Born Killers
56. [BHS] | Boom HeadShoT
57. [Sw@T]
58. TSq / Terror Squad
59. kG| / kneegrow
60. Psycho Tribe
61. [DiamondsFanClub] / [DFC]
62. .:.PB.:.
63. kill death ratio /-=KDR=-
64. [Fl@me]
65. |Kc| / Kill Control
66. ||S.A|| / Still Alive
67. IwM
68. NiB / Noobs in Bikini
69. |*cBn*| / Carbon
70. @@(TNT)@@
71. [GoL] Gods of Legends
72. |BB|
73. Clan of Zombie / [CoZ]
74. <Died>
75. [blitz]
76. |AK| / Anger Killers
77. nwC | New World Chaos
78. |CI| / Clan Iq
79. Survival-Hunting
80. l|ScM|l ~ Sin City Mafia
81. ||HoD|| / Hearts of Dozen
82. Death on Arrival / [DoA]
83. |ReLaTiVe|
84. .:Wu|| / .:Wu Tang Clan:.
85. wF || / war Fighter
86. |Hk|
87. [U*F] Unknown Force
88. [Massive]
89. Bemine
90. SnipeRangerGang / {SRG}
91. 2Dph|#
92. puRe-Gaming
93. uL.| / UnL!mited
94. 007// 00//Agents
95. .: |KoF| :. / KiLLeRs oF FoRtUnE
96. The FightingGodz or {FG}
97. toXic | Gaming Clan
98. [Warpeeps] / Warpeeps
99. d0pa[MiNe]
100. EuropeGamerz
101. ®a!n*| of FuRy ClAn
102. |PwN3||
103. ZombiMod
104. [WT]Withe-Tigers[WT]
105. ACE
106. Divrebz / Divine Rebirthz
107. Elite x3
108. !nZaN3 |
109. [ZeoN]//
110. »|Infinity|«
111. [S.T.A.R.S] / Team_S.t.a.r.s / Stars2d.co.cc |
112. [CM] Guild
113. | CS-ProGamer |
114. |E.W.K| = Elite White Knights
115. #ThE aTTaX
116. f5| Gaming
117. Systematical KillerZ / [-sK-]
118. [Thrill]
119. AlbanianForces CS2D Clan
120. [MnKz] / Team MoNkEyZ
121. .:HB:.
122. Off Peak / [OP] / «Off Peak»
123. S\w/F / Supersticious war Figures
124. *Elit3 Fors3s*
125. OuTLaWZ
126. C4-FR
127. [LaG]
128. uClan.uC | (rank),(name)
129. quick$!Lv3r / q$!Lv3r
130. DééJaY ||
131. *3c | *3lectric
132. PzN CS2D club
133. Z.K United / Z.K-
134. gtSquad / l[gt]l / Green Team Squad
135. Half-Life 2D
136. GermanRebels / [GR]
137. Al-Gore
138. Distress Clan / [DC]
139. LiTe | (rank).(name)
140. /-T.K.B-/
141. KaTa ||
143. [L4D] Clan
144. Snatch - Clan
145. [N.B.K.] / Natural Born Killers
146. [RoV] - Return of Violence
147. Pacman
148. cnuct
149. AnyClan (-aC-)
150. XtreemGodsGamerClan
151. [PD] | Polish-Destroyers
152. Jamesbondclan : {-JBC-}
153. [AoM] / Art of Murders
154. Xtreem Pro Players Clan
155. PwN2D
156. EmpeRia
157. (=CS= ) Clan
158. HG | Holy Guns
159. <fruitpapje>
160. Pwned Your Ass
161. aiR
162. X-Force
163. eG. | / eQuable Gaming Clan
164. NMB ( No man behind)
165. SiN
166. TXN / The Dark Necromancers
167. LeGaL [LeGaL]
168. -911- Clan
169. Romanian Strengh! - RS!
170. {No|Limit}
171. Man Of Marine
172. [Behind Jail]
173. Master Chief vectors
174. ØmG
175. (duel4you)
176. No AiMiNg [ No AiM + ]
177. [~R.~L.~G.~] / RealLife Gamers
178. |AoD| / Angels of Death
Note: Ordered only by date of being added to thread.

Clan Name: |KiNg| / |K| / {KiNg}
Clan Leader: PhaTz
Total Members: 5.
Clan Website: kingclan2d.co.nr
Other Information: Few are active.
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: 2dbr | 2D Brazil
Clan Leader: MRCSTYLE -ppL-
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: orkut.com.br/Main#Community.aspx?cmm=34802905
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Brazil

Clan Name: [TGV] / Twisted Golden Veins
Clan Leader: Ajsec5000
Total Members: 30
Clan Website: tgvserver.info (Down for a bit); GFX Ezine - gfx.tgvserver.info/
Place of Origin: North America (with players around the globe.)
Other Information:
We are now Open for Recruiting. If you would like to join an honest clan with a deep history, one of the longest living clans in North America still in operation (2nd only to |K|). And if you are looking for a friendly atmosphere with leaders who are both well known and respected in the CS2D Community. Why not brandish your talent in [TGV]?
Further more, we provide the sole source of highspeed and high performance CS2D Dedicated Servers in North America with another anticipated server location to be operational for Full US Coverage.
Not interested in highspeed gaming only? Not to worry, even under such a dark time, we the members of the clan pledges to continue support and better the CS2D Community. Projects that we have developed / endorsed includes customized statistic generation, high level gameplay recording, growing repository of maps, on the fly map previews, disassembling the original Dedi Server created by 3rr0r, and much much more.
If you're interested in our clan, please visit tgvserver.info/forums/ for more information.

Clan Name: [-=A41=-] / All For One
Clan Leader: ecstasy
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: allforone.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: [S|I|C] / S|I|C=EP
Clan Leader: PoRn / Nihilist
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: clan-sic.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [DBD] / Death Before Dishonor
Clan Leader: Aimless/AimZ
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: dbd2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Coming back to CS2D; Recruiting the best players possible.
Place of Origin: USA

Clan Name: Arctic Squad
Clan Leader: zxC (?)
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: U.S. Gamers
Clan Leader: Spadez
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: -ES- / Elite Snipers
Clan Leader: -ES-JJuknow-Leader-
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [LCS2D] / Legendary Counter-Strike 2D
Clan Leader: CoolRun, Camper
Total Members: 43
Clan Website: legendarycounterstrike.us.tt (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Canada

Clan Name: 2D[P] / 2D Pwners
Clan Leader: No official leader
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: fpsbanana.com/clans/5459 (Dead)
Other Information: Minimum age is 12.
Place of Origin: Sweden
Clan Name: ||F.C.G||
Clan Leader: LA$T
Total Members: 10
Clan Website:fcg.moonfruit.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Chile / cL.Gaming
Clan Leader: foRRest
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: cs2dchile.tk (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Chile

Clan Name: ||ACID||
Clan Leader: Carizma
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: acid2010.tk (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: [FSS] / First Strike Squad
Clan Leader: hahavis; VC: ||OneUp||
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: firststrikes.webs.com
Other Information: 4 Wins, 1 Loss
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: The Lunatics
Clan Leader: Dizzy
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: lunatics.c4.to (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: RedStarClan
Clan Leader: Pfeng
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: redstarclan.de.gg/
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: =[DoD]= / Dragon of Death
Clan Leader: CaLiBRe; VL: COLD
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: dodclan.pl
Other Information: Recruiting only Polish players. We have 2 servers; 1 for training and 1 for the public. Contact me at - Email address (only visible with login) - Official clan movie: youtube.com/watch?v=tmVfvVr7JY4
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: Hells Diner
Clan Leader: 1st striker
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: freewebs.com/hellsdiner
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |Storm_PL|
Clan Leader: Barbossa
Total Members: 9 (w/ 9 in academy)
Clan Website: storm.xaa.pl
Other Information: Clan since 2004. Facebook: facebook.com/home.php#!/group.php?gid=60679475085&ref=ts (Dead)
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan name: |TSC| / Counter Strike Terrorist
Clan Leader: vanim_b41
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: No Website
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan name: SpeedCore.[-UzZ-]# / SpeedCore.[-Unia zamaskowanych Ziomali-]#
Clan Leader: Bako (PL)
Total Members: 11
Clan Website:uzzclanforum.fora.pl / sc-uzz.pl
Other Information: Looking for players with high skill.
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: |SLD| / Soeldner
Clan Leader: Kainfx
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: cs2d-soeldner.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: {PSI}
Clan Leader: Son_Of_A_Birch
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: psi-clan.tk (Site overtaken)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |>FDF<| / Fitness Dog Fighting
Clan Leader: Mr. X
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: fdf-clan.pytalhost.com/ (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: KtA / Kill Them All
Clan Leader: Padro
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: SC | / Silent Commandos
Clan Leader: TBonus
Total Members: 3 to 10
Clan Website: scommandos.hollosite.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: *S3* / Special 3dition
Clan Leader: K|lL3Ran
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: special3dition.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [UsK] / Universal Super Killers
Clan Leader: Velemir
Total Members: 14
Clan Website: uskclan.yoyo.pl/index2.html (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: [D.†.P.] / DreamTeamPlayers
Clan Leader: g0oDa & 3rr0r
Total Members: 13
Clan Website: Unknown
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: sH | / Soul Hunters
Clan Leader: se_ba
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: shclan.rox.pl
Other Information: CS2D clan since 2004
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: |hs|. / hunters squad
Clan Leader: - Email address (only visible with login) -
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: hunters-squad.w.interia.pl
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland
Clan Name: *Dark_Army* / Dark Army
Clan Leader: j0s3
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: tsk.webpages.pl
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: tik-gaming / The incredible KillaZ
Clan Leader: FREAK
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: tik-gaming.de.ms/ (Dead)
Other Information: Founded in May 2005 as LIC (Last Inferno Clan). Renamed to TIK after problems and changes in leadership. Ran active until August 2006; closed in October 2006.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: [BlackSun] / Blacksun
Clan Leader: V3NOM
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: blacksun.rox.pl/
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: sCore | / Speed Core
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: speedcore.pl
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: BTC / Blood Team Clan
Clan Leader: R3v!Ls; VL: wowo
Total Members: 13; 2 players in training
Clan Website: btc.yoyo.pl/
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: [SUP]
Clan Leader: No official leader
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: None
Other Information: Former divison of [TGV].
Place of Origin: North America
Clan Name: Red Planet / .|rP|
Clan Leader: 3rr0r
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: red-planet.ch.vu (Site overtaken)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: CS-United / |cs-United.|
Clan Leader: Kite
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: clan4free.de/80215.html (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: *GmG | / Global Multi Gaming
Clan Leader: Impact
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: cs2dgmg.co.nr/ (Dead)
Other Information: - Email address (only visible with login) -
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: Bullets 4 You / [b4u.|
Clan Leader: GooDa
Total Members: 24
Clan Website: bullets4you.ch.vu
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: |N|*|D|*|K|
Clan Leader: F|GhTeR
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: ndk.ok1.pl/ (Forum) (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: EliteBR :: / Elite Brazil
Clan Leader: Coringa
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: elitebr.cs2d.com.br
Other Information: Official Brazilian clan since 2005.
Place of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: [SaD] / Smile and Die
Clan Leader: Saadi & Dari
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: sad-gamings.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: Multigaming clan: Enemy Territory, CS2D, CS, Other
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: e-Life .Eletronic Life 2D Team
Clan Leader: Blode-Brasil
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: elife.cs2d.com.br (Dead)
Other Information: Brazilian clan. Top Clan Brazil.
Place of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: Clan of the Queens / |<CotQ>|
Clan Leader: Velemir
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: koalicjaclan.fora.pl (forum)
Other Information: N/A
Place of origin: Poland

Clan Name: Tigger Happy / *|TH|*
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: »G-X~c[X]c« / C0MBAT[X]CR3W|»Green-X
Clan Leader: FlaMeZzZ & X Mongol
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: cxc-wicked.tk (Dead)
Other Information: International clan
Place of origin: Russia

Clan Name: SKrR l #. ~ Shoot.Kill.Rinse.Repeat
Clan Leader: Circa
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: skrr.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: -=\AoV/=- / Angels of Victory
Clan Leader: JackCZ
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Czech Republic / Poland
Clan Name: gobr | Go Brazil
Clan Leader: Scarface
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: #|BLoD| / Black Legion of Doom
Clan Leader: Szafa; VL: R3D1
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: blodclan.webplus.net.pl
Other Information: Only recruiting Polish players. We have 2 training servers. Contact me at - Email address (only visible with login) -.
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: [DSX] - DeZTroYerZerK Silver Xire
Clan Leader: DeZTroYerZerK
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: deztroyerzerk.forum5.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: PS / Pirates or NBK / Natural Born Killers
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [BHS] | Boom HeadShoT
Clan Leader: Benzz/1\ + D1aMoNd.
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: clanbhs.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: [ZÞ]
Clan Leader: KillaH
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: zpclan.co.cc
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: TSq / Terror Squad
Clan Leader: F-BaBy
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: fbaby.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of origin: N/A

Clan Name: kG| / kneegrow
Clan Leader: Striker
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: kneegrow.freeforums.org (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Psycho Tribe
Clan Leader: Masacre demon
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: freewebs.com/psychotribe (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: [DiamondsFanClub] / [DFC]
Clan Leader: Greyman
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: diamondsfanclub.co.cc
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: .:.PB.:.
Clan Leader: Cary
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: kill death ratio / -=KDR=-
Clan Leader: wankertje
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: killdeathratio.eamped.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [Fl@me]
Clan Leader: Silent & Rush
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: flame2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: 17 wins :: 0 lose. Recruiting internationally.
Place of Origin: America

Clan Name: |Kc| / Kill Control
Clan Leader: Diamond
Total Members: 24
Clan Website: CS2DKc.co.nr
Other Information: Looking for players with very high potential and skill, which would make fine additions to our almighty team. Recruiting World wide
Place of Origin: Austrailia

Clan Name: ||S.A|| / Still Alive
Clan Leader: Killer & |~>ExiL3d<~|?
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: snfcs2d.forum5.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: IwM
Clan Leader: Blackbeard
Total Members: 2-6
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: Famous for using AWP.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: NiB / Noobs in Bikini
Clan Leader: foRRest
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: None (Clan sponsor is Q.cl (Dead)).
Other Information: We play for fun, we are a group of friends, chilean clan, noob clan.
Place of Origin: Chile
Clan Name: |*cBn*| / Carbon
Clan Leader: CoolRun
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: One of CS2D's shitiest clans.
Place of Origin: Canada.

Clan Name: @@(TNT)@@
Clan Leader: Lemon & Coco-Puff
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: lint35.tripod.com/
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: [GoL] Gods of Legends
Clan Leader: .:EliteShadow:.
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: GoL.forum5.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |BB|
Clan Leader: Rionade
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Australia
Clan Name: Clan of Zombie / [CoZ]
Clan Leader: P!C4$$
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: c-o-z.eu (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: <Died>
Clan Leader: darkill
Total Members: 2
Clan website: died.c.la
Other infromation: N/A
Place of Origin: France

Clan Name:[blitz]
Clan Leader: stuart123dark
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: cs2d-blitz-clan.darkbb.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: |AK| / Anger Killers
Clan Leader: benny
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: anger-killers-clan.info (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: nwC | New World Chaos
Clan Leader: DiVersion / Nightmare / Joe
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: teamnwc.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: |CI| / Clan Iq
Clan Leader: Iq Unlimited
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: Survival-Hunting
Clan Leader: Roni
Total Members: 4; 16 (Community)
Clan website: survival-hunting.de.vu (.de domain coming soon.)
Other Information: First Hidden 2D clan.
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: l|ScM|l ~ Sin City Mafia
Clan Leader: Ansid
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: sincity2d.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: ||HoD|| / Hearts of Dozen
Clan Leader: Tiger
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: hodcs2d.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: Death on Arrival/[DoA]
Clan Leader: [DoA]Badboy
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: doaclan.ucoz.com
Other Information: Will post a link for banner asap.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |ReLaTiVe|
Clan Leader: Your |ReLaTiVe| from LV
Total Members: 32
Clan Website: relativesclan.ucoz.com
Other information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: .:Wu|| / .:Wu Tang Clan:.
Clan Leader: S.A.S KILLAH; VL's: Paz & Zenden
Total Members: 16
Clan Website: wu.ucoz.com
Other Information:
Wins: 8 Loses: 2
We have 4 spots on .:Euro Squad:.
Place of Origin: United Kingdom

Clan Name: wF || / war Fighter
Clan Leader: AmiS
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: war-Fighter.de (Dead)
Other Information: We are Back, new Clan Leader. I quit the Game. We have TS2-Server, 3 CS2D Server. We are a German Gaming Clan.
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: |Hk|
Clan Leader: ~Black~Tie
Total Members: 14+
Clan Website: hkcs2d.bestbb.net
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [U*F] Unknown Force
Clan Leader: Denim, DaRa
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: uforce.forumx.hu
Other information: N/A
Place of Origin: Hungary
Clan Name: [Massive]
Clan Leader: ykz / Angel
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: massive-clan.tk (Dead)
Other Information:
Xfire username: massiveclan; E - Mail & Msn: - Email address (only visible with login) -; Icq: 98148827; myspace: myspace.com/massive_clan Msn: - Email address (only visible with login) -
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: Bemine
Clan Leader: Halo
Total Members: 20
Clan Website: freewebs.com/bemineclan/index.htm
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: SnipeRangerGang / {SRG}
Clan Leader: filiPINOY
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: sniperangergang.ucoz.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Philippines

Clan Name: 2Dph|#
Clan Leader: killerman & Sag3
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: 2dphclan.ucoz.com
Other Information: Recruiting all CS2D Asian players.
Place of Origin: Philippines

Clan Name: puRe-Gaming
Clan Leader: Owner; VL: Weeedstar
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: pure-gaming.eu.tt (Dead)
Other Information: German clan. We have training each Sunday.
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: uL.| / UnL!mited
Clan Leader: Slash; VL: Smither
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: ul-clan.ucoz.com
Other Information: Clan Server- UnLimited*|.# Server; Server IP: Only recruiting Spanish CS2D players.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan name: 007// 00//Agents
Clan Leader: v0r73x
Total members: 5
Clan Website: dballshouse.nuclearfallout.net/forums
Other Information: We have 3 servers running. They're not 24/7, they're just on any random time of day. 2 Of our members are currently players. After New Year's they will officially be playing the current CS2D Max. If interested in recruitment go to the forums and post in CS2D Recruitment.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: .: |KoF| :. / KiLLeRs oF FoRtUnE
Clan Leader: spirit
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: kofclan.ucoz.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: The FightingGodz or {FG}
Clan Leader: pwn4g3
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: Fightinggodz.clan.su
Other information: N/A
Place of Origin: Russia

Clan Name: toXic | Gaming Clan
Clan Leader: Swift; VL's: Nitro & Avenga
Total Members: 10 (7 in academy)
Clan Website: toxicclan.freeforums.org (Dead)
Other Information: CS2D Gaming Since 2008, 27 Wins ; 2 Loss
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: [Warpeeps] / Warpeeps
Clan Leader: Warpeeps; VL: Hahavis
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: warpeeps.ucoz.com
Other Information: Recruiting only good players.
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: d0pa[MiNe]
Clan Leader: ShaRK; VL: CoMbine* (Euro Squad)
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: dopamine2010.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Redefining Gaming Since 2008. USA and Euro.
Place of Origin: Europe & USA

Clan Name: EuropeGamerz
Clan Leader: Informatixa; VL: Fusion
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: forum.europegamerz.eu (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Europe
Clan Name: ®a!n*| of FuRy ClAn
Clan Leader: An0n; VL: greele
Total Members: 16
Clan Website: rain-clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: Need more members, willing to let any1 with bad skill in but will be recruit.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |PwN3||
Clan Leader: Freezebreath
Total Members: 7
Clan Webiste: pwn3clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: ZombiMod
Clan Leader: Dogid
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [WT]Withe-Tigers[WT]
Clan Leader: cs2dmaster
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: whitetigers.de.tc/
Other Information: German, Turkey clan.
Place of Origin: Germany, Turkey
Clan Name: ACE
Clan Leader: Kor_Dark
Total Members: 82; 597 (Community)
Clan Website: cafe.naver.com/ts0707 (Korea), aceclan.freeforums.org/index.php (English)
Other Information: The korea clan.
plz don't use hack
plz don't say bad word
plz don't spam in website
Place of Origin: South Korea
Clan Name: [Divrebz] / Divine Rebirthz
Clan Leader: Elit3; VL: Pwn4g3 & Sddlg
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: divrebz-clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Elite x3
Clan Leader: Kurtis
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: ELITEx3.ucoz.com/ (Dead)
Other Information: Skilled members ONLY. Great Forum, update news, and fun polls!
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: !nZaN3 |
Clan Leader: Calvin
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: inzane.de.tf
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: [ZeoN]//
Clan Leader: >>Shadow//
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: armaged.890m.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Lithuania
Clan Name: »|Infinity|«
Clan Leader: Insane
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: infinity-2d.tk/ (Dead)
Other Information: We are Searching For a Host.
Place of Origin: United Kingdom
Clan Name: [S.T.A.R.S] / Team_S.t.a.r.s / Stars2d.co.cc |
Clan Leader: Santer
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: stars2d.co.cc/ (Dead), teamstars2d.ucoz.com
Other Information: We hate hackers. Since 2008
Place of Origin: Argentina
Clan Name: [CM] Clan
Clan Leader: CmDark
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: cmforums.sytes.net
Other information: Looking for some nice people that have free time on their hands to be in a small clan with friends and chat. With more members, this clan could get bigger. If you are interested, feel free to pm me as well as registering on my forums and asking there.
Place of Origin: North America
Clan Name: | CS-ProGamer |
Clan Leader: MANI3K339
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: Polish clan for professional gamers.
Place of Origin: Poland
Clan Name: |E.W.K| = Elite White Knights
Clan Leader: Zero
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: ewk.ucoz.net (Dead)
Other Information: Pros Only.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: .#ThE aTTaX
Clan Leader: *!LL3CTRO*>LEGEND<; VL: Exxar Kun
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: attax-gaming.de (Dead)
Other Information: 3 Servers and several training sessions.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: f5| Gaming
Clan Leader: newgraund
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: None
Other Information: f5| Gaming is waiting for offers to come.
Place of Origin: Lithuania
Clan Name: Systematical KillerZ / [-sK-]
Clan Leader: CineCore / CineRuSS, BéL!on, DarkDevil
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: systematicalkillerz.tk (Dead)
Other Information: We are a very nice clan. If many Member and a TeamSpeak also have server. We will soon buy a Root for our servers to ourselves, into the bargain we are ready for alliances (friends or enemies). Recruiting only Germans. TeamSpeak IP:
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: [Thrill]
Clan Leader: Pro
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: cafe.naver.com/cs2dzk (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: AlbanianForces CS2D Clan
Clan Leader: AK-47-$h0oter & EDI
Total Members: 14
Clan Website: gr-al-cs2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Multigaming clan.
Place of Origin: Germany, Albania, Kosovo

Clan Name: [MnKz] / Team MoNkEyZ
Clan Leader: MonkeyZ, Red X, Fingletoad
Total Members: 20; 2,000 (Community)
Clan Website: monkeyzltd.blogspot.com (Dead)
Other Information: Seeking for new members.. ALWAYS!
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: .:HB:.
Clan Leader: FlaMeZzZ
Total Members: 14
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Off Peak / [OP] / «Off Peak»
Clan Leader: Lithium
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: offpeak.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: Asian clan but we are recruiting everyone around the world. We only recruit high skilled players.
Place of Origin: Australia

Clan Name: S\w/F / Supersticious war Figures
Clan Leader: uLt!MatE
Total Members: 2-3
Clan Website: swf-clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: S\w/F stands for "Supersticious war Figures." Recruiting people with high skill. Needs to have a good ping in order to join.
Place of Origin: Europe
Clan Name: *Elit3 Fors3s*
Clan Leader: Und3ad*
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: None
Other Information: To Join Write to me, lusi. I am the clan leader. Our clan consists of English, Bulgarian and some Russian speaking people.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: OuTLaWZ
Clan Leader: Nexon
Total Members: 5
Clan website: None
Other Information: Looking for active, high skilled players. Our clan consists of Spanish, Arabic, English, and French speaking players.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: C4-FR
Clan Leader: Alender
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: None
Other Information: We are skilled gamers, but this clan is before everything for ingame fun. So, you'll need to be nice to enter in the clan (more than being skilled). We only recruit French-speaking players (skill isn't important, we can train the newbies.) To join, PM me or go to the website when it's finished. That's all!
Place of Origin: France
Clan Name: [LaG]
Clan Leader: Cortez, Relgen & YuMa
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: lag2d.com (Dead)
Other Information: CS2D Clan since 2009.
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: uClan
Clan Leader: uC
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: uclan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: 1 win; 0 losses.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: quick$!Lv3r / q$!Lv3r
Clan Leader: m!©r0
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: quicksilver-clan.tk (Dead)
Other Information: We make clan wars.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: DééJaY ||
Clan Leader: .DéNq.
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: deejayclan.tr.gg
Other Information: Must be a pro. Our members speak Turkish and English. Join our clan!
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: *3c | *3lectric
Clan Leader: Ente; VL's: Salazzar & Eco
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: electric-gaming.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Plugged In CS2D Since 2009.
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: PzN CS2D club
Clan Leader: Denis
Total Members: 36
Clan Website: partizano.com/ (Free domain)
Other Information: PzN Legion is recruiting (For foreign players partizano.com/forum/35-211-1#3216)
Place of Origin: Russia

Clan Name: Z.K United / Z.K-
Clan Leader: Klip
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: cs2dzku.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Clan for Zombie Wars, etc. Server Info: IP:
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: gtSquad / l[gt]l / Green Team Squad
Clan Leader: Crossfire
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Half-Life 2D
Clan Leader: Cyberdog
Total Members: 62
Clan website: hl2d.clan.su
Other Information: Blackcloud,Tavaron,Quarzone
Place of Origin: America
Clan Name: GermanRebels / [GR]
Clan Leader: Elite-Killer
Total Members: 26
Clan Website: gr-al-cs2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: bündnis mit AlbaninanForces (al-cs2d.tk)
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: Al-Gore
Clan Leader: Marine
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: algore-gaming.co.nr
Other Information: 5 more recruiting slots left.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Distress Clan / [DC]
Clan Leader: Jester
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: distressclan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: If you would like to join, please register @ website above.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: LiTe | (rank).(name)
Clan Leader: Zurak; VL: Assassin & DANI
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: liteclan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: /-T.K.B-/
Clan Leader: Anperm; VL: Maty, Slash, Marihuana
Total Members: 26
Clan Website: tkbcs2d.foroactivo.net
Other Information: CS2D Arg Clan! 4 Wins vs S.T.A.R.S, and 3 wins of other clans, 0 Losses.
Place of Origin: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Mercedes.
Clan Name: KaTa ||
Clan Leader: Shocker and MuS!K eLLeCtR!K; VL: Shadow
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: makelovenotwarclan.tk (Dead)
Other Information: 1 win, 0 losses.
Place of Origin: United Kingdom
Clan Leader: _RiSiNg::; VL: Raive Lord
Total Members: 15
Clan Website: risingforce.darkbb.com
Other Information: The clan has 6 customized maps and 4 improvised maps.
Place of Origin: Philippines
Clan Name: [L4D] Clan
Clan Leader: Modas
Total Members: 27
Clan Website: left4deadclan.ucoz.com
Other Information: All L4D Map by Modass.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Snatch - Clan
Clan Leader: Trojan; VL: Yakuza
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: snatch-clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Informantion: - Email address (only visible with login) -

Clan Name: [N.B.K.] / Natural Born Killers
Clan Leader: NaSH
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: nbk2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Argentina
Clan Name: [RoV] - Return of Violence
Clan Leader: Lynx; VL: ZaKo
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: returnofviolence.co.cc (Dead)
Other Information: CS2D Gaming Clan, Needing Members At This Time, World-Wide Clan
Place of Origin: Canada
Clan Name: Pacman
Clan Leader: UsA.K¡££ë®
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: pacman-gaming.de (Dead), pacman-gaming.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: Wins: 12 Draws: 1 Loses: 3 (75% Won). New Clanwarteam!
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: cnuct
Clan Leader: jarim
Total Members: 1
Clan website: cnuct.crearforo.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Mexico
Clan Name: AnyClan (-aC-)
Clan Leader: Help.4 & Padarom
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: anyclan.de (Dead)
Other Information: We're a multilanguage and multigaming clan. German & English. Teamspeak:
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: XtreemGodsGamerClan
Clan Leader: tengku4u; VL: Admirdee
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: xggclan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Malaysia
Clan Name: [PD] | Polish-Destroyers
Clan Leader: lPDl Kaka
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: polish-destroyers.cba.pl (Dead)
Other Information: This is a polish clan, but we recruit english and german players if they're good enough. Just visit our server and tell us that u want be in it.
Place of Origin: Poland
Clan Name: Jamesbondclan : {-JBC-}
Clan Leaders: Boonstein & MonKeyz. VL: MâDMâÑ
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: jamesbondclan.inmyclan.com/index.htm
Other Information: You need to have an USGN and you need to speek a little englels.
Place of Origin: Europe
Clan Name: [AoM] Art of Murders
Clan Leader: StirlizZ-Fapicon
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: aom-clan.ru (Dead)
Other Information: Yep, we back.
Place of Origin: Russian Federation
Clan Name: Xtreem Pro Players Clan / « Xtreem »
Clan Leader: $hero$; VL: X-RDG
Total Members: 35~
Clan Website: site-XtreemClan.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: Old co-leader has been banned for the clan because he were a cheater (SHAME...!). Recruiting Portuguese or Brazilian Players. We hate hackers! N00bz / nubshiterzz
Place of Origin: Portugal
Clan Name: PwN2D / PwN²Ð | [Name]»[Rank]«
Clan Leader: Flacko»L«
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: pwn2dcs2d.ucoz.es (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Argentina
Clan Name: EmpeRia
Clan Leader: 3ten
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: emperia.nisx.ru (Dead)
Other Information: Recruiting Russian players. 1 active clan server.
Place of Origin: Russia
Clan Name: (=CS= ) Clan
Clan Leader: Admin
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: counterstrikecs.clan.su
Other Information: There will be a spray for each one of the ranks: Vice-Lider, General, Recruit, Admin and others.
MSN: - Email address (only visible with login) -
Active e-mail: - Email address (only visible with login) -
We will be changing the clan tag.
This clan is not only for CS2D but also for Cross-Fire. (There will be one update starting the clan)

(=CS= ) Clan Join Now

Place of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: HG | Holy Guns
Clan Leader: »CRô§§»
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: holy-guns.clan.su (Dead)
Other Information: Easy to join. International clan.
Place of Origin: Philippines
Clan Name: <fruitpapje>
Clan Leader: Banaan & KiWi
Total Members: 20
Clan Website: fruitpapje.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: <fruitpapje> AWP clan.
Unfortunately, I have to bring the sad news that <fruitpapje> has been closed.
KiWi and Banaan, the leaders, had lost their motivation and decided it was best for everybody if the clan would be closed. Handing over the leadership to someone else was, according to the members, not an option, for they found that it wouldn't be the same without the old leaders.
Place of Origin: Netherlands
Clan Name: Pwned Your Ass / [PyA]
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: None
Other Information: Recruiting for people that are pretty good.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: aiR / aiR || <name>
Clan Leader: DOOM
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: airclan.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: Clan Since 14th June 2009. International clan. Has members from the UK, Germany, Austria, Serbia and some other.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: X-Force
Clan Leader: Real Deal & BALLS
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: jay4113344.webs.com
Other Information: We are a very new clan working our way up. we take everyone who applies for now.
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: eG. | / eQuable Gaming Clan
Clan Leader: PâtR10; VL's: DarKScaR, QptionS
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: egclan.tr.cx (Dead)
Other Information: We are active again and searching professional and everyday active players.
Place of Origin: Turkey

Clan Name: NMB (No man behind)
Clan Leader: vamp.bat; VL: Monority
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: None
Other Information: Recruting everyone as long as they have skill and speak english.
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: SiN
Clan Leader: PhenoM; VL: C.C, Frost
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: sinclancs.org/ (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Sweden
Clan Name: TXN / The Dark Necromancers
Clan Leader: Nil'Kemorya; VL: Farrykiller, Capt. Camper, Sledge, Mattman, Spartan-029
Total Members: 19
Clan Website: txncs2d.webs.com (Dead)
Other Information: TXN Closed Down for a Hibernation Period. Re-Emerging in the next month!! New clan name will be S4P - Spartan IV Project.
Place of Origin: North America
Clan Name: LeGaL / [LeGaL]
Clan Leader: I Seth I
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: legal-clanhq.forumm.biz
Other Information: Legal hosts dedicated servers.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: -911- Clan
Clan Leader: Deciever
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: 911clan.clan.su (Dead)
Other Information: WE ARE BACK
Place of Origin: Russia
Clan Name: Romanian Strengh! - RS!
Clan Leader: NEz
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: cs2dromania.ucoz.com/forum (Dead)
Other Information: Recruiting Romanians. GET SOME STRENGH!
Place of Origin: Romania
Clan Name: {No|Limit}
Clan Leader: Blazzingxx
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Lithuania
Clan Name: Man Of Marine
Clan Leader: senseman1
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: [Behind Jail]
Clan Leader: adaaaz56; VL: frederich890
Total members: 4
Clan Website: cenooo.tr.gg (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: Master Chief vectors
Clan Leader: NoOb(Younes)
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: ØmG
Clan Leader: ÅnÞ£rM & SlaSh
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: omgclan.ucoz.es (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Argentina
Clan Name: (duel4you)
Clan Leader: puroman123
Clan Members: 4
Clan Website: duel4you.tr.gg
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Turkey

Clan Name: No AiMiNg [ No AiM + ]
Clan Leader: doom15 & Griux
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: No-Aiming.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: International clan. add - Email address (only visible with login) - -msn, - Email address (only visible with login) - - Y!M, skype katalyn_St3aua. for more information...
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [~R.~L.~G.~] / RealLife Gamers
Clan Leader: CineRuSS
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: real-life-gamers.de (Dead)
Other Information: We have lost all Members and all is new by us. Website under construction! Teamspeak closed ! Root: we get new.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: |AoD| / Angels of Death
Clan Leader: EaSyKiLL; VL: ANg3L
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: .aod-clan.net (Dead)
Other Information: International Clan.
Clan Name: MidNighterZ
Clan Leader: Seoulz / MidNighterZ
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: midnighterz.webs.com
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: [sw!ne] Clan
Clan Leader: Alpha.Jr
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: swine-cs2d.darkbb.com (Dead)
Other Information: sw!ne Flu
Place of Origin: New Zealand
Clan Name: [-The Firm-]
Clan Leader: Lord Belial
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: thefirmclan.webs.com
Other Information: We only recruit the best and only fight against the best.
Place of Origin: Russian Federation
Clan Name: .:BIO:. / bring it on
Clan Leader: renegade, hot mama, muncie_dog, DeGuru
Total Members: 101 (community)
Clan Website: bringitonclan.org
Other Information: Multigaming clan; CS:CZ & CS:S.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [sHanK]
Clan Leader: SL¡¢£
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: Shank.clan.su (Dead)
Other Information: Active New Clan...Please Come And Apply. This Was An Old World Of Warcraft Guild And I Started It As A Clan Of CS:2D.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Pr0 | / Professional rank 0
Clan Leader: Killing$prée
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: thepr0clan.tr.gg
Other Information: Players skils normal good players.
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: [AaT] / Abandoned and Torn
Clan Leader: »hÅñÐý¦³¢®et§«
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: btc.ucoz.com
Other Information: Taking players of a decent skill level
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: [NoPaniC] / NoPaniC
Clan Leader: Seremet; VL: SharK
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: nopanic.turkproforum.com
Other Information: We are searching professional Player
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: [AAG] / All Around Gamers
Clan Leader: Love; VL: UFC101
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: allaroundgamers.forumer.com (Dead)
Other Information: Site Not Finished.
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: Impuls!ve~
Clan Leader: ipod
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: impulsive.clan.su (Dead)
Other Information: Clan since 2009. ipod is back!
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: .[DEAD} / DEAD
Clan Leader: PlayerNoob
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: My clan fails..... 0 win, 1 lose, 0 tie.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: un!que
Clan Leader: 3rr0r
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: unique-gaming.de.pn (Dead)
Other Information: International german speaking clan. One Private server for trainings, one Mixteam server for mixteam matches and TS2-server. The un!que clan has been formed by the former 4.oK-squad of storm-clan.
Place of Origin: Germany & Switzerland

Clan Name: [_=AtoMiC=_]Clan
Clan Leader: Johnny199
Total Members: 21
Clan Website: atomiccs2d.co.cc (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: sT.|
Clan Leader: JuMPsTyLe
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [BölükTR] / BölükTR
Clan Leader: Deniz
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: boluktr.turkforumpro.net (Dead)
Other Information: We don't need clan war, although my user is pro.
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: NNB|| / Need No Backup
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: nnb-cs2d.webs.com
Other Information: New clan rising.
Place of Origin: Sweden
Clan Name: DKO|| / Dark Knights of Oblivion
Clan Leader: Maste®²³ & Admin
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: New clan rising.
Place of Origin: Greece
Clan Name: [.gS#] / Golden-Soldiers
Clan Leader: Special-Forces & bloooody
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: golden-soldiers-2d.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: we look for only German speaking people. thanks
Place of Origin: Germany & Turkey
Clan Name: BsC|
Clan Leader: Banana Phone
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: bananasclan.mforos.com
Other Information: No hackers
Place of Origin: Spain
Clan Name: x!Le
Clan Leader: Freshi; VL: Edi
Total Members: 17
Clan Website: xile-team.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Wins: 9 Loses: 1. We are full.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: {¢lan59}
Clan Leader: R0x0r & Artur
Total Members: 15
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: ¢lan59 left CS2D due to some server problems. We might be back one day...The clan has not shut down
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Tails Fan Clan
Clan Leader: Aura
Total Members: 21
Clan Website: websitejohn.com/TFCHQpage.aspx (Dead)
Other Information: We're everywhare!
Place of Origin: America
Clan Name: |BK| / |BlackKnights|
Clan Leader: RICO CZ & Baris
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Clan StonerCon
Clan Leader: ItalianSniper
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: stonercon.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information:
Place of Origin: America
Clan Name: Mystic Gaming Clan
Clan Leader: Arctic / Admirdee
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: mystic-gaming.forumotion.com
Other Information: Members must be from Asian, pro's and active
Place of Origin: Malaysia

Clan Name: Zyz // / Zyzzyx [Zyz]
Clan Leader: Xenio1357
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: Members must be Active and skilled in at least one way.
Place of Origin: Canada
Clan Name: ~2DFC~ / 2DFC
Clan Leader: Nasty
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: 2dfccs2d.webs.com
Other Information: New Clan Looking For- Skilled And Dedicated Recruitment, No Cheaters,Flamers,Spammers,Or Hackers
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: KhZ|| / Khazad-dûm
Clan Leader: hador goldscheitel; VL's: viperbrawl93 & ToM
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: www.clan4free.de/153293.html (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: (CAN) / CAN CS2D CLAN
Clan Leader: Redefinder & YoJo
Total Members: 24
Clan Website: cs2dcan.clan.su
Other Information: Recruiting from everywhere. Members must speak good english in order to join. We are popular, do not hack and have a good reputation amongst players.
Place of Origin: Canada
Clan Name: [BF] / Blind Faith
Clan Leader: playa slaya
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: cs2dclanfr.webs.com (Dead)
Other Information: CLAN IS DEAD
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [C.A.T] / Czech Army Team
Clan Leader: xxmarek
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: We are almsot CZ and SK but we take all people who can play cs
Place of Origin: Czech Republic
Clan Name: tC. # / Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Clan Leader: Cybercix
Total Members: 16
Clan Website: tc-mvp.tr.gg
Other Information: Turkish Pro Clan in 13 Months
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: [B!R]-[B£R] / Bilikte Beraberlik
Clan Leader: AsLaNKeMaL
Total Members: 30
Clan Website: bir-ber.yetkinforum.com
Other Information: We are often play map cs2d and we dont cheat.
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: nigh[t.R]ise*
Clan Leader: Zyos
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: nightrise.freeforums.org (Dead)
Other Information: 8 members max.
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: The [?] Clan / The Unknown Clan
Clan Leader: Spyware
Total Members: 15
Clan Website: unknowncs2d.strategyboards.com
Place of Origin: Philippines
Other Information:
We are currently on the lookout for great skinners, mappers and coders to help out in our Renaissance project.
We also accept people who just want a clan to call home. Free weed upon joining... Well, anyway. We're more of a secretive, underground clan well known to the upper leagues of the American circle. We constantly strive for uniqueness and we have created values which make the CS2D world a bit fluffier... In a way...
We prefer loyalty and character, over skill. Skill matters, but your loyalty and character are 70% of your "tryout". We also have a unique recruiting system in which you are given a thirty day trial to post screenshots and make friends before we consider you one of us.
Unique.Creative.Meme-ridden. Join today!
Clan Name: [BF] / FileZilla
Clan Leader: scherzkönig
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: make you in my clan ad me in icq , icq number is : 569-895-883
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [SNIK] / Snickers / SNIK Clan
Clan Leader: Leader Snickers
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Other Information:
Searching for people who can both rush and make quiet/covered-ops. Who proofs him good, will get Vide Leader Stats, or (if I'm gonna host one) Dedicated Server RCON-PW. We have one general Spray, which these People will get who proofed to be a worthy [SNIK]Soldier. We are intergamical, means we're existing in other Games too, like Clonk and maybe we'll be a Gmod Clan too.
ICQ (442099964)
MSN (- Email address (only visible with login) -)
Skype (mr081094)
Write me a message in this Forum, or add me. In ICQ please write as Adding Message : Your Ingame Name, your best skill, when you've got time to be tested.
Clan Name: [LOX] / LOX Clan
Clan Leader: SuperLOX
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: lox-clan.ucoz.net
Other Information: MSN: sashaabanin@ya
Clan Name: |KiNg| / |K| / {KiNg}
Clan Leader: PhaTz
Total Members: 5.
Clan Website: kingclan2d.co.nr
Other Information: Few are active.
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: 2dbr | 2D Brazil
Clan Leader: MRCSTYLE -ppL-
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: orkut.com.br/Main#Community.aspx?cmm=34802905
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Brazil

Clan Name: [TGV] / Twisted Golden Veins
Clan Leader: Ajsec5000
Total Members: 30
Clan Website: tgvserver.info (Down for a bit); GFX Ezine - gfx.tgvserver.info/
Place of Origin: North America (with players around the globe.)
Other Information:
We are now Open for Recruiting. If you would like to join an honest clan with a deep history, one of the longest living clans in North America still in operation (2nd only to |K|). And if you are looking for a friendly atmosphere with leaders who are both well known and respected in the CS2D Community. Why not brandish your talent in [TGV]?
Further more, we provide the sole source of highspeed and high performance CS2D Dedicated Servers in North America with another anticipated server location to be operational for Full US Coverage.
Not interested in highspeed gaming only? Not to worry, even under such a dark time, we the members of the clan pledges to continue support and better the CS2D Community. Projects that we have developed / endorsed includes customized statistic generation, high level gameplay recording, growing repository of maps, on the fly map previews, disassembling the original Dedi Server created by 3rr0r, and much much more.
If you're interested in our clan, please visit tgvserver.info/forums/ for more information.

Clan Name: [-=A41=-] / All For One
Clan Leader: ecstasy
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: allforone.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: [S|I|C] / S|I|C=EP
Clan Leader: PoRn / Nihilist
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: clan-sic.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [DBD] / Death Before Dishonor
Clan Leader: Aimless/AimZ
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: dbd2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Coming back to CS2D; Recruiting the best players possible.
Place of Origin: USA

Clan Name: Arctic Squad
Clan Leader: zxC (?)
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: U.S. Gamers
Clan Leader: Spadez
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: -ES- / Elite Snipers
Clan Leader: -ES-JJuknow-Leader-
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [LCS2D] / Legendary Counter-Strike 2D
Clan Leader: CoolRun, Camper
Total Members: 43
Clan Website: legendarycounterstrike.us.tt (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Canada

Clan Name: 2D[P] / 2D Pwners
Clan Leader: No official leader
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: fpsbanana.com/clans/5459 (Dead)
Other Information: Minimum age is 12.
Place of Origin: Sweden
Clan Name: ||F.C.G||
Clan Leader: LA$T
Total Members: 10
Clan Website:fcg.moonfruit.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Chile / cL.Gaming
Clan Leader: foRRest
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: cs2dchile.tk (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Chile

Clan Name: ||ACID||
Clan Leader: Carizma
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: acid2010.tk (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: [FSS] / First Strike Squad
Clan Leader: hahavis; VC: ||OneUp||
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: firststrikes.webs.com
Other Information: 4 Wins, 1 Loss
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: The Lunatics
Clan Leader: Dizzy
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: lunatics.c4.to (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: RedStarClan
Clan Leader: Pfeng
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: redstarclan.de.gg/
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: =[DoD]= / Dragon of Death
Clan Leader: CaLiBRe; VL: COLD
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: dodclan.pl
Other Information: Recruiting only Polish players. We have 2 servers; 1 for training and 1 for the public. Contact me at - Email address (only visible with login) - Official clan movie: youtube.com/watch?v=tmVfvVr7JY4
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: Hells Diner
Clan Leader: 1st striker
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: freewebs.com/hellsdiner
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |Storm_PL|
Clan Leader: Barbossa
Total Members: 9 (w/ 9 in academy)
Clan Website: storm.xaa.pl
Other Information: Clan since 2004. Facebook: facebook.com/home.php#!/group.php?gid=60679475085&ref=ts (Dead)
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan name: |TSC| / Counter Strike Terrorist
Clan Leader: vanim_b41
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: No Website
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan name: SpeedCore.[-UzZ-]# / SpeedCore.[-Unia zamaskowanych Ziomali-]#
Clan Leader: Bako (PL)
Total Members: 11
Clan Website:uzzclanforum.fora.pl / sc-uzz.pl
Other Information: Looking for players with high skill.
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: |SLD| / Soeldner
Clan Leader: Kainfx
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: cs2d-soeldner.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: {PSI}
Clan Leader: Son_Of_A_Birch
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: psi-clan.tk (Site overtaken)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |>FDF<| / Fitness Dog Fighting
Clan Leader: Mr. X
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: fdf-clan.pytalhost.com/ (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: KtA / Kill Them All
Clan Leader: Padro
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: SC | / Silent Commandos
Clan Leader: TBonus
Total Members: 3 to 10
Clan Website: scommandos.hollosite.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: *S3* / Special 3dition
Clan Leader: K|lL3Ran
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: special3dition.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [UsK] / Universal Super Killers
Clan Leader: Velemir
Total Members: 14
Clan Website: uskclan.yoyo.pl/index2.html (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: [D.†.P.] / DreamTeamPlayers
Clan Leader: g0oDa & 3rr0r
Total Members: 13
Clan Website: Unknown
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: sH | / Soul Hunters
Clan Leader: se_ba
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: shclan.rox.pl
Other Information: CS2D clan since 2004
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: |hs|. / hunters squad
Clan Leader: - Email address (only visible with login) -
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: hunters-squad.w.interia.pl
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland
Clan Name: *Dark_Army* / Dark Army
Clan Leader: j0s3
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: tsk.webpages.pl
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: tik-gaming / The incredible KillaZ
Clan Leader: FREAK
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: tik-gaming.de.ms/ (Dead)
Other Information: Founded in May 2005 as LIC (Last Inferno Clan). Renamed to TIK after problems and changes in leadership. Ran active until August 2006; closed in October 2006.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: [BlackSun] / Blacksun
Clan Leader: V3NOM
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: blacksun.rox.pl/
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: sCore | / Speed Core
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: speedcore.pl
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: BTC / Blood Team Clan
Clan Leader: R3v!Ls; VL: wowo
Total Members: 13; 2 players in training
Clan Website: btc.yoyo.pl/
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: [SUP]
Clan Leader: No official leader
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: None
Other Information: Former divison of [TGV].
Place of Origin: North America
Clan Name: Red Planet / .|rP|
Clan Leader: 3rr0r
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: red-planet.ch.vu (Site overtaken)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: CS-United / |cs-United.|
Clan Leader: Kite
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: clan4free.de/80215.html (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: *GmG | / Global Multi Gaming
Clan Leader: Impact
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: cs2dgmg.co.nr/ (Dead)
Other Information: - Email address (only visible with login) -
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: Bullets 4 You / [b4u.|
Clan Leader: GooDa
Total Members: 24
Clan Website: bullets4you.ch.vu
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: |N|*|D|*|K|
Clan Leader: F|GhTeR
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: ndk.ok1.pl/ (Forum) (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: EliteBR :: / Elite Brazil
Clan Leader: Coringa
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: elitebr.cs2d.com.br
Other Information: Official Brazilian clan since 2005.
Place of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: [SaD] / Smile and Die
Clan Leader: Saadi & Dari
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: sad-gamings.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: Multigaming clan: Enemy Territory, CS2D, CS, Other
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: e-Life .Eletronic Life 2D Team
Clan Leader: Blode-Brasil
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: elife.cs2d.com.br (Dead)
Other Information: Brazilian clan. Top Clan Brazil.
Place of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: Clan of the Queens / |<CotQ>|
Clan Leader: Velemir
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: koalicjaclan.fora.pl (forum)
Other Information: N/A
Place of origin: Poland

Clan Name: Tigger Happy / *|TH|*
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: »G-X~c[X]c« / C0MBAT[X]CR3W|»Green-X
Clan Leader: FlaMeZzZ & X Mongol
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: cxc-wicked.tk (Dead)
Other Information: International clan
Place of origin: Russia

Clan Name: SKrR l #. ~ Shoot.Kill.Rinse.Repeat
Clan Leader: Circa
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: skrr.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: -=\AoV/=- / Angels of Victory
Clan Leader: JackCZ
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Czech Republic / Poland
Clan Name: gobr | Go Brazil
Clan Leader: Scarface
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: #|BLoD| / Black Legion of Doom
Clan Leader: Szafa; VL: R3D1
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: blodclan.webplus.net.pl
Other Information: Only recruiting Polish players. We have 2 training servers. Contact me at - Email address (only visible with login) -.
Place of Origin: Poland

Clan Name: [DSX] - DeZTroYerZerK Silver Xire
Clan Leader: DeZTroYerZerK
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: deztroyerzerk.forum5.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: PS / Pirates or NBK / Natural Born Killers
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [BHS] | Boom HeadShoT
Clan Leader: Benzz/1\ + D1aMoNd.
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: clanbhs.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: [ZÞ]
Clan Leader: KillaH
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: zpclan.co.cc
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: TSq / Terror Squad
Clan Leader: F-BaBy
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: fbaby.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of origin: N/A

Clan Name: kG| / kneegrow
Clan Leader: Striker
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: kneegrow.freeforums.org (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Psycho Tribe
Clan Leader: Masacre demon
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: freewebs.com/psychotribe (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: [DiamondsFanClub] / [DFC]
Clan Leader: Greyman
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: diamondsfanclub.co.cc
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: .:.PB.:.
Clan Leader: Cary
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: kill death ratio / -=KDR=-
Clan Leader: wankertje
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: killdeathratio.eamped.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [Fl@me]
Clan Leader: Silent & Rush
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: flame2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: 17 wins :: 0 lose. Recruiting internationally.
Place of Origin: America

Clan Name: |Kc| / Kill Control
Clan Leader: Diamond
Total Members: 24
Clan Website: CS2DKc.co.nr
Other Information: Looking for players with very high potential and skill, which would make fine additions to our almighty team. Recruiting World wide
Place of Origin: Austrailia

Clan Name: ||S.A|| / Still Alive
Clan Leader: Killer & |~>ExiL3d<~|?
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: snfcs2d.forum5.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: IwM
Clan Leader: Blackbeard
Total Members: 2-6
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: Famous for using AWP.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: NiB / Noobs in Bikini
Clan Leader: foRRest
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: None (Clan sponsor is Q.cl (Dead)).
Other Information: We play for fun, we are a group of friends, chilean clan, noob clan.

Place of Origin: Chile
Clan Name: |*cBn*| / Carbon
Clan Leader: CoolRun
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: One of CS2D's shitiest clans.
Place of Origin: Canada.

Clan Name: @@(TNT)@@
Clan Leader: Lemon & Coco-Puff
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: lint35.tripod.com/
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: [GoL] Gods of Legends
Clan Leader: .:EliteShadow:.
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: GoL.forum5.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |BB|
Clan Leader: Rionade
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Australia
Clan Name: Clan of Zombie / [CoZ]
Clan Leader: P!C4$$
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: c-o-z.eu (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: <Died>
Clan Leader: darkill
Total Members: 2
Clan website: died.c.la
Other infromation: N/A
Place of Origin: France

Clan Name:[blitz]
Clan Leader: stuart123dark
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: cs2d-blitz-clan.darkbb.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: |AK| / Anger Killers
Clan Leader: benny
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: anger-killers-clan.info (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: nwC | New World Chaos
Clan Leader: DiVersion / Nightmare / Joe
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: teamnwc.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: |CI| / Clan Iq
Clan Leader: Iq Unlimited
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: Survival-Hunting
Clan Leader: Roni
Total Members: 4; 16 (Community)
Clan website: survival-hunting.de.vu (.de domain coming soon.)
Other Information: First Hidden 2D clan.
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: l|ScM|l ~ Sin City Mafia
Clan Leader: Ansid
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: sincity2d.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: ||HoD|| / Hearts of Dozen
Clan Leader: Tiger
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: hodcs2d.co.nr
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: Death on Arrival/[DoA]
Clan Leader: [DoA]Badboy
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: doaclan.ucoz.com
Other Information: Will post a link for banner asap.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |ReLaTiVe|
Clan Leader: Your |ReLaTiVe| from LV
Total Members: 32
Clan Website: relativesclan.ucoz.com
Other information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: .:Wu|| / .:Wu Tang Clan:.
Clan Leader: S.A.S KILLAH; VL's: Paz & Zenden
Total Members: 16
Clan Website: wu.ucoz.com
Other Information:

Place of Origin: United Kingdom

Clan Name: wF || / war Fighter
Clan Leader: AmiS
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: war-Fighter.de (Dead)
Other Information: We are Back, new Clan Leader. I quit the Game. We have TS2-Server, 3 CS2D Server. We are a German Gaming Clan.
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: |Hk|
Clan Leader: ~Black~Tie
Total Members: 14+
Clan Website: hkcs2d.bestbb.net
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [U*F] Unknown Force
Clan Leader: Denim, DaRa
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: uforce.forumx.hu
Other information: N/A
Place of Origin: Hungary
Clan Name: [Massive]
Clan Leader: ykz / Angel
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: massive-clan.tk (Dead)
Other Information:
Xfire username: massiveclan; E - Mail & Msn: - Email address (only visible with login) -; Icq: 98148827; myspace: myspace.com/massive_clan Msn: - Email address (only visible with login) -
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: Bemine
Clan Leader: Halo
Total Members: 20
Clan Website: freewebs.com/bemineclan/index.htm
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: SnipeRangerGang / {SRG}
Clan Leader: filiPINOY
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: sniperangergang.ucoz.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Philippines

Clan Name: 2Dph|#
Clan Leader: killerman & Sag3
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: 2dphclan.ucoz.com
Other Information: Recruiting all CS2D Asian players.
Place of Origin: Philippines

Clan Name: puRe-Gaming
Clan Leader: Owner; VL: Weeedstar
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: pure-gaming.eu.tt (Dead)
Other Information: German clan. We have training each Sunday.
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: uL.| / UnL!mited
Clan Leader: Slash; VL: Smither
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: ul-clan.ucoz.com
Other Information: Clan Server- UnLimited*|.# Server; Server IP: Only recruiting Spanish CS2D players.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan name: 007// 00//Agents
Clan Leader: v0r73x
Total members: 5
Clan Website: dballshouse.nuclearfallout.net/forums
Other Information: We have 3 servers running. They're not 24/7, they're just on any random time of day. 2 Of our members are currently players. After New Year's they will officially be playing the current CS2D Max. If interested in recruitment go to the forums and post in CS2D Recruitment.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: .: |KoF| :. / KiLLeRs oF FoRtUnE
Clan Leader: spirit
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: kofclan.ucoz.com
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: The FightingGodz or {FG}
Clan Leader: pwn4g3
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: Fightinggodz.clan.su
Other information: N/A
Place of Origin: Russia

Clan Name: toXic | Gaming Clan
Clan Leader: Swift; VL's: Nitro & Avenga
Total Members: 10 (7 in academy)
Clan Website: toxicclan.freeforums.org (Dead)
Other Information: CS2D Gaming Since 2008, 27 Wins ; 2 Loss
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: [Warpeeps] / Warpeeps
Clan Leader: Warpeeps; VL: Hahavis
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: warpeeps.ucoz.com
Other Information: Recruiting only good players.
Place of Origin: N/A

Clan Name: d0pa[MiNe]
Clan Leader: ShaRK; VL: CoMbine* (Euro Squad)
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: dopamine2010.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Redefining Gaming Since 2008. USA and Euro.
Place of Origin: Europe & USA

Clan Name: EuropeGamerz
Clan Leader: Informatixa; VL: Fusion
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: forum.europegamerz.eu (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Europe
Clan Name: ®a!n*| of FuRy ClAn
Clan Leader: An0n; VL: greele
Total Members: 16
Clan Website: rain-clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: Need more members, willing to let any1 with bad skill in but will be recruit.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: |PwN3||
Clan Leader: Freezebreath
Total Members: 7
Clan Webiste: pwn3clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: ZombiMod
Clan Leader: Dogid
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [WT]Withe-Tigers[WT]
Clan Leader: cs2dmaster
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: whitetigers.de.tc/
Other Information: German, Turkey clan.
Place of Origin: Germany, Turkey
Clan Name: ACE
Clan Leader: Kor_Dark
Total Members: 82; 597 (Community)
Clan Website: cafe.naver.com/ts0707 (Korea), aceclan.freeforums.org/index.php (English)
Other Information: The korea clan.
plz don't use hack
plz don't say bad word
plz don't spam in website

Place of Origin: South Korea
Clan Name: [Divrebz] / Divine Rebirthz
Clan Leader: Elit3; VL: Pwn4g3 & Sddlg
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: divrebz-clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Elite x3
Clan Leader: Kurtis
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: ELITEx3.ucoz.com/ (Dead)
Other Information: Skilled members ONLY. Great Forum, update news, and fun polls!
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: !nZaN3 |
Clan Leader: Calvin
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: inzane.de.tf
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: [ZeoN]//
Clan Leader: >>Shadow//
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: armaged.890m.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Lithuania
Clan Name: »|Infinity|«
Clan Leader: Insane
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: infinity-2d.tk/ (Dead)
Other Information: We are Searching For a Host.
Place of Origin: United Kingdom
Clan Name: [S.T.A.R.S] / Team_S.t.a.r.s / Stars2d.co.cc |
Clan Leader: Santer
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: stars2d.co.cc/ (Dead), teamstars2d.ucoz.com
Other Information: We hate hackers. Since 2008
Place of Origin: Argentina
Clan Name: [CM] Clan
Clan Leader: CmDark
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: cmforums.sytes.net
Other information: Looking for some nice people that have free time on their hands to be in a small clan with friends and chat. With more members, this clan could get bigger. If you are interested, feel free to pm me as well as registering on my forums and asking there.
Place of Origin: North America
Clan Name: | CS-ProGamer |
Clan Leader: MANI3K339
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: Polish clan for professional gamers.
Place of Origin: Poland
Clan Name: |E.W.K| = Elite White Knights
Clan Leader: Zero
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: ewk.ucoz.net (Dead)
Other Information: Pros Only.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: .#ThE aTTaX
Clan Leader: *!LL3CTRO*>LEGEND<; VL: Exxar Kun
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: attax-gaming.de (Dead)
Other Information: 3 Servers and several training sessions.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: f5| Gaming
Clan Leader: newgraund
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: None
Other Information: f5| Gaming is waiting for offers to come.
Place of Origin: Lithuania
Clan Name: Systematical KillerZ / [-sK-]
Clan Leader: CineCore / CineRuSS, BéL!on, DarkDevil
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: systematicalkillerz.tk (Dead)
Other Information: We are a very nice clan. If many Member and a TeamSpeak also have server. We will soon buy a Root for our servers to ourselves, into the bargain we are ready for alliances (friends or enemies). Recruiting only Germans. TeamSpeak IP:
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: [Thrill]
Clan Leader: Pro
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: cafe.naver.com/cs2dzk (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: AlbanianForces CS2D Clan
Clan Leader: AK-47-$h0oter & EDI
Total Members: 14
Clan Website: gr-al-cs2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Multigaming clan.
Place of Origin: Germany, Albania, Kosovo

Clan Name: [MnKz] / Team MoNkEyZ
Clan Leader: MonkeyZ, Red X, Fingletoad
Total Members: 20; 2,000 (Community)
Clan Website: monkeyzltd.blogspot.com (Dead)
Other Information: Seeking for new members.. ALWAYS!
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: .:HB:.
Clan Leader: FlaMeZzZ
Total Members: 14
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Off Peak / [OP] / «Off Peak»
Clan Leader: Lithium
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: offpeak.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: Asian clan but we are recruiting everyone around the world. We only recruit high skilled players.
Place of Origin: Australia

Clan Name: S\w/F / Supersticious war Figures
Clan Leader: uLt!MatE
Total Members: 2-3
Clan Website: swf-clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: S\w/F stands for "Supersticious war Figures." Recruiting people with high skill. Needs to have a good ping in order to join.
Place of Origin: Europe
Clan Name: *Elit3 Fors3s*
Clan Leader: Und3ad*
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: None
Other Information: To Join Write to me, lusi. I am the clan leader. Our clan consists of English, Bulgarian and some Russian speaking people.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: OuTLaWZ
Clan Leader: Nexon
Total Members: 5
Clan website: None
Other Information: Looking for active, high skilled players. Our clan consists of Spanish, Arabic, English, and French speaking players.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: C4-FR
Clan Leader: Alender
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: None
Other Information: We are skilled gamers, but this clan is before everything for ingame fun. So, you'll need to be nice to enter in the clan (more than being skilled). We only recruit French-speaking players (skill isn't important, we can train the newbies.) To join, PM me or go to the website when it's finished. That's all!
Place of Origin: France
Clan Name: [LaG]
Clan Leader: Cortez, Relgen & YuMa
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: lag2d.com (Dead)
Other Information: CS2D Clan since 2009.
Place of Origin: United States

Clan Name: uClan
Clan Leader: uC
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: uclan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: 1 win; 0 losses.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: quick$!Lv3r / q$!Lv3r
Clan Leader: m!©r0
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: quicksilver-clan.tk (Dead)
Other Information: We make clan wars.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: DééJaY ||
Clan Leader: .DéNq.
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: deejayclan.tr.gg
Other Information: Must be a pro. Our members speak Turkish and English. Join our clan!
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: *3c | *3lectric
Clan Leader: Ente; VL's: Salazzar & Eco
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: electric-gaming.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Plugged In CS2D Since 2009.
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: PzN CS2D club
Clan Leader: Denis
Total Members: 36
Clan Website: partizano.com/ (Free domain)
Other Information: PzN Legion is recruiting (For foreign players partizano.com/forum/35-211-1#3216)
Place of Origin: Russia

Clan Name: Z.K United / Z.K-
Clan Leader: Klip
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: cs2dzku.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Clan for Zombie Wars, etc. Server Info: IP:
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: gtSquad / l[gt]l / Green Team Squad
Clan Leader: Crossfire
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Half-Life 2D
Clan Leader: Cyberdog
Total Members: 62
Clan website: hl2d.clan.su
Other Information: Blackcloud,Tavaron,Quarzone
Place of Origin: America
Clan Name: GermanRebels / [GR]
Clan Leader: Elite-Killer
Total Members: 26
Clan Website: gr-al-cs2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: bündnis mit AlbaninanForces (al-cs2d.tk)
Place of Origin: Germany

Clan Name: Al-Gore
Clan Leader: Marine
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: algore-gaming.co.nr
Other Information: 5 more recruiting slots left.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Distress Clan / [DC]
Clan Leader: Jester
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: distressclan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: If you would like to join, please register @ website above.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: LiTe | (rank).(name)
Clan Leader: Zurak; VL: Assassin & DANI
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: liteclan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: /-T.K.B-/
Clan Leader: Anperm; VL: Maty, Slash, Marihuana
Total Members: 26
Clan Website: tkbcs2d.foroactivo.net
Other Information: CS2D Arg Clan! 4 Wins vs S.T.A.R.S, and 3 wins of other clans, 0 Losses.
Place of Origin: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Mercedes.
Clan Name: KaTa ||
Clan Leader: Shocker and MuS!K eLLeCtR!K; VL: Shadow
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: makelovenotwarclan.tk (Dead)
Other Information: 1 win, 0 losses.
Place of Origin: United Kingdom
Clan Leader: _RiSiNg::; VL: Raive Lord
Total Members: 15
Clan Website: risingforce.darkbb.com
Other Information: The clan has 6 customized maps and 4 improvised maps.
Place of Origin: Philippines
Clan Name: [L4D] Clan
Clan Leader: Modas
Total Members: 27
Clan Website: left4deadclan.ucoz.com
Other Information: All L4D Map by Modass.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Snatch - Clan
Clan Leader: Trojan; VL: Yakuza
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: snatch-clan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Informantion: - Email address (only visible with login) -

Clan Name: [N.B.K.] / Natural Born Killers
Clan Leader: NaSH
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: nbk2d.tk (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Argentina
Clan Name: [RoV] - Return of Violence
Clan Leader: Lynx; VL: ZaKo
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: returnofviolence.co.cc (Dead)
Other Information: CS2D Gaming Clan, Needing Members At This Time, World-Wide Clan
Place of Origin: Canada
Clan Name: Pacman
Clan Leader: UsA.K¡££ë®
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: pacman-gaming.de (Dead), pacman-gaming.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: Wins: 12 Draws: 1 Loses: 3 (75% Won). New Clanwarteam!
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: cnuct
Clan Leader: jarim
Total Members: 1
Clan website: cnuct.crearforo.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Mexico
Clan Name: AnyClan (-aC-)
Clan Leader: Help.4 & Padarom
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: anyclan.de (Dead)
Other Information: We're a multilanguage and multigaming clan. German & English. Teamspeak:
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: XtreemGodsGamerClan
Clan Leader: tengku4u; VL: Admirdee
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: xggclan.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Malaysia
Clan Name: [PD] | Polish-Destroyers
Clan Leader: lPDl Kaka
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: polish-destroyers.cba.pl (Dead)
Other Information: This is a polish clan, but we recruit english and german players if they're good enough. Just visit our server and tell us that u want be in it.
Place of Origin: Poland
Clan Name: Jamesbondclan : {-JBC-}
Clan Leaders: Boonstein & MonKeyz. VL: MâDMâÑ
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: jamesbondclan.inmyclan.com/index.htm
Other Information: You need to have an USGN and you need to speek a little englels.
Place of Origin: Europe
Clan Name: [AoM] Art of Murders
Clan Leader: StirlizZ-Fapicon
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: aom-clan.ru (Dead)
Other Information: Yep, we back.
Place of Origin: Russian Federation
Clan Name: Xtreem Pro Players Clan / « Xtreem »
Clan Leader: $hero$; VL: X-RDG
Total Members: 35~
Clan Website: site-XtreemClan.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: Old co-leader has been banned for the clan because he were a cheater (SHAME...!). Recruiting Portuguese or Brazilian Players. We hate hackers! N00bz / nubshiterzz
Place of Origin: Portugal
Clan Name: PwN2D / PwN²Ð | [Name]»[Rank]«
Clan Leader: Flacko»L«
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: pwn2dcs2d.ucoz.es (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Argentina
Clan Name: EmpeRia
Clan Leader: 3ten
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: emperia.nisx.ru (Dead)
Other Information: Recruiting Russian players. 1 active clan server.
Place of Origin: Russia
Clan Name: (=CS= ) Clan
Clan Leader: Admin
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: counterstrikecs.clan.su
Other Information: There will be a spray for each one of the ranks: Vice-Lider, General, Recruit, Admin and others.

We will be changing the clan tag.
This clan is not only for CS2D but also for Cross-Fire. (There will be one update starting the clan)

(=CS= ) Clan Join Now

Place of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: HG | Holy Guns
Clan Leader: »CRô§§»
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: holy-guns.clan.su (Dead)
Other Information: Easy to join. International clan.
Place of Origin: Philippines
Clan Name: <fruitpapje>
Clan Leader: Banaan & KiWi
Total Members: 20
Clan Website: fruitpapje.co.nr (Dead)
Other Information: <fruitpapje> AWP clan.
Unfortunately, I have to bring the sad news that <fruitpapje> has been closed.
KiWi and Banaan, the leaders, had lost their motivation and decided it was best for everybody if the clan would be closed. Handing over the leadership to someone else was, according to the members, not an option, for they found that it wouldn't be the same without the old leaders.
Place of Origin: Netherlands
Clan Name: Pwned Your Ass / [PyA]
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: None
Other Information: Recruiting for people that are pretty good.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: aiR / aiR || <name>
Clan Leader: DOOM
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: airclan.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: Clan Since 14th June 2009. International clan. Has members from the UK, Germany, Austria, Serbia and some other.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: X-Force
Clan Leader: Real Deal & BALLS
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: jay4113344.webs.com
Other Information: We are a very new clan working our way up. we take everyone who applies for now.
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: eG. | / eQuable Gaming Clan
Clan Leader: PâtR10; VL's: DarKScaR, QptionS
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: egclan.tr.cx (Dead)
Other Information: We are active again and searching professional and everyday active players.
Place of Origin: Turkey

Clan Name: NMB (No man behind)
Clan Leader: vamp.bat; VL: Monority
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: None
Other Information: Recruting everyone as long as they have skill and speak english.
Place of Origin: United States
Clan Name: SiN
Clan Leader: PhenoM; VL: C.C, Frost
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: sinclancs.org/ (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Sweden
Clan Name: TXN / The Dark Necromancers
Clan Leader: Nil'Kemorya; VL: Farrykiller, Capt. Camper, Sledge, Mattman, Spartan-029
Total Members: 19
Clan Website: txncs2d.webs.com (Dead)
Other Information: TXN Closed Down for a Hibernation Period. Re-Emerging in the next month!! New clan name will be S4P - Spartan IV Project.
Place of Origin: North America
Clan Name: LeGaL / [LeGaL]
Clan Leader: I Seth I
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: legal-clanhq.forumm.biz
Other Information: Legal hosts dedicated servers.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: -911- Clan
Clan Leader: Deciever
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: 911clan.clan.su (Dead)
Other Information: WE ARE BACK
Place of Origin: Russia
Clan Name: Romanian Strengh! - RS!
Clan Leader: NEz
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: cs2dromania.ucoz.com/forum (Dead)
Other Information: Recruiting Romanians. GET SOME STRENGH!
Place of Origin: Romania
Clan Name: {No|Limit}
Clan Leader: Blazzingxx
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Lithuania
Clan Name: Man Of Marine
Clan Leader: senseman1
Total Members: 3-4
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: [Behind Jail]
Clan Leader: adaaaz56; VL: frederich890
Total members: 4
Clan Website: cenooo.tr.gg (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: Master Chief vectors
Clan Leader: NoOb(Younes)
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: None
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: ØmG
Clan Leader: ÅnÞ£rM & SlaSh
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: omgclan.ucoz.es (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Argentina
Clan Name: (duel4you)
Clan Leader: puroman123
Clan Members: 4
Clan Website: duel4you.tr.gg
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Turkey

Clan Name: No AiMiNg [ No AiM + ]
Clan Leader: doom15 & Griux
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: No-Aiming.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information: International clan. add - Email address (only visible with login) - -msn, - Email address (only visible with login) - - Y!M, skype katalyn_St3aua. for more information...
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [~R.~L.~G.~] / RealLife Gamers
Clan Leader: CineRuSS
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: real-life-gamers.de (Dead)
Other Information: We have lost all Members and all is new by us. Website under construction! Teamspeak closed ! Root: we get new.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: |AoD| / Angels of Death
Clan Leader: EaSyKiLL; VL: ANg3L
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: .aod-clan.net (Dead)
Other Information: International Clan.
Clan Name: MidNighterZ
Clan Leader: Seoulz / MidNighterZ
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: midnighterz.webs.com
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [sw!ne] Clan
Clan Leader: Alpha.Jr
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: swine-cs2d.darkbb.com (Dead)
Other Information: sw!ne Flu
Place of Origin: New Zealand
Clan Name: [-The Firm-]
Clan Leader: Lord Belial
Total Members: 9
Clan Website: thefirmclan.webs.com
Other Information: We only recruit the best and only fight against the best.
Place of Origin: Russian Federation
Clan Name: .:BIO:. / bring it on
Clan Leader: renegade, hot mama, muncie_dog, DeGuru
Total Members: 101 (community)
Clan Website: bringitonclan.org
Other Information: Multigaming clan; CS:CZ & CS:S.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [sHanK]
Clan Leader: SL¡¢£
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: Shank.clan.su (Dead)
Other Information: Active New Clan...Please Come And Apply. This Was An Old World Of Warcraft Guild And I Started It As A Clan Of CS:2D.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Pr0 | / Professional rank 0
Clan Leader: Killing$prée
Total Members: 12
Clan Website: thepr0clan.tr.gg
Other Information: Players skils normal good players.
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: [AaT] / Abandoned and Torn
Clan Leader: »hÅñÐý¦³¢®et§«
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: btc.ucoz.com
Other Information: Taking players of a decent skill level
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: [NoPaniC] / NoPaniC
Clan Leader: Seremet; VL: SharK
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: nopanic.turkproforum.com
Other Information: We are searching professional Player
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: [AAG] / All Around Gamers
Clan Leader: Love; VL: UFC101
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: allaroundgamers.forumer.com (Dead)
Other Information: Site Not Finished.
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: Impuls!ve~
Clan Leader: ipod
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: impulsive.clan.su (Dead)
Other Information: Clan since 2009. ipod is back!
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: .[DEAD} / DEAD
Clan Leader: PlayerNoob
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: My clan fails..... 0 win, 1 lose, 0 tie.
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: un!que
Clan Leader: 3rr0r
Total Members: 8
Clan Website: unique-gaming.de.pn (Dead)
Other Information: International german speaking clan. One Private server for trainings, one Mixteam server for mixteam matches and TS2-server. The un!que clan has been formed by the former 4.oK-squad of storm-clan.
Place of Origin: Germany & Switzerland

Clan Name: [_=AtoMiC=_]Clan
Clan Leader: Johnny199
Total Members: 21
Clan Website: atomiccs2d.co.cc (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: sT.|
Clan Leader: JuMPsTyLe
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [BölükTR] / BölükTR
Clan Leader: Deniz
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: boluktr.turkforumpro.net (Dead)
Other Information: We don't need clan war, although my user is pro.
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: NNB|| / Need No Backup
Clan Leader: Unknown
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: nnb-cs2d.webs.com
Other Information: New clan rising.
Place of Origin: Sweden
Clan Name: DKO|| / Dark Knights of Oblivion
Clan Leader: Maste®²³ & Admin
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: New clan rising.
Place of Origin: Greece
Clan Name: [.gS#] / Golden-Soldiers
Clan Leader: Special-Forces & bloooody
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: golden-soldiers-2d.de.vu (Dead)
Other Information: we look for only German speaking people. thanks
Place of Origin: Germany & Turkey
Clan Name: BsC|
Clan Leader: Banana Phone
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: bananasclan.mforos.com
Other Information: No hackers
Place of Origin: Spain
Clan Name: x!Le
Clan Leader: Freshi; VL: Edi
Total Members: 17
Clan Website: xile-team.tk (Dead)
Other Information: Wins: 9 Loses: 1. We are full.
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: {¢lan59}
Clan Leader: R0x0r & Artur
Total Members: 15
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: ¢lan59 left CS2D due to some server problems. We might be back one day...The clan has not shut down
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Tails Fan Clan
Clan Leader: Aura
Total Members: 21
Clan Website: websitejohn.com/TFCHQpage.aspx (Dead)
Other Information: We're everywhare!
Place of Origin: America
Clan Name: |BK| / |BlackKnights|
Clan Leader: RICO CZ & Baris
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: Clan StonerCon
Clan Leader: ItalianSniper
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: stonercon.ucoz.com (Dead)
Other Information:

Place of Origin: America
Clan Name: Mystic Gaming Clan
Clan Leader: Arctic / Admirdee
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: mystic-gaming.forumotion.com
Other Information: Members must be from Asian, pro's and active
Place of Origin: Malaysia

Clan Name: Zyz // / Zyzzyx [Zyz]
Clan Leader: Xenio1357
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: Members must be Active and skilled in at least one way.
Place of Origin: Canada
Clan Name: ~2DFC~ / 2DFC
Clan Leader: Nasty
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: 2dfccs2d.webs.com
Other Information: New Clan Looking For- Skilled And Dedicated Recruitment, No Cheaters,Flamers,Spammers,Or Hackers
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: KhZ|| / Khazad-dûm
Clan Leader: hador goldscheitel; VL's: viperbrawl93 & ToM
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: www.clan4free.de/153293.html (Dead)
Other Information: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: (CAN) / CAN CS2D CLAN
Clan Leader: Redefinder & YoJo
Total Members: 24
Clan Website: cs2dcan.clan.su
Other Information: Recruiting from everywhere. Members must speak good english in order to join. We are popular, do not hack and have a good reputation amongst players.
Place of Origin: Canada
Clan Name: [BF] / Blind Faith
Clan Leader: playa slaya
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: cs2dclanfr.webs.com (Dead)
Other Information: CLAN IS DEAD
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [C.A.T] / Czech Army Team
Clan Leader: xxmarek
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: We are almsot CZ and SK but we take all people who can play cs
Place of Origin: Czech Republic
Clan Name: tC. # / Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Clan Leader: Cybercix
Total Members: 16
Clan Website: tc-mvp.tr.gg
Other Information: Turkish Pro Clan in 13 Months
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: [B!R]-[B£R] / Bilikte Beraberlik
Clan Leader: AsLaNKeMaL
Total Members: 30
Clan Website: bir-ber.yetkinforum.com
Other Information: We are often play map cs2d and we dont cheat.
Place of Origin: Turkey
Clan Name: nigh[t.R]ise*
Clan Leader: Zyos
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: nightrise.freeforums.org (Dead)
Other Information: 8 members max.
Place of Origin: USA
Clan Name: The [?] Clan / The Unknown Clan
Clan Leader: Spyware
Total Members: 15
Clan Website: unknowncs2d.strategyboards.com
Place of Origin: Philippines
Other Information:
We are currently on the lookout for great skinners, mappers and coders to help out in our Renaissance project.
We also accept people who just want a clan to call home. Free weed upon joining... Well, anyway. We're more of a secretive, underground clan well known to the upper leagues of the American circle. We constantly strive for uniqueness and we have created values which make the CS2D world a bit fluffier... In a way...
We prefer loyalty and character, over skill. Skill matters, but your loyalty and character are 70% of your "tryout". We also have a unique recruiting system in which you are given a thirty day trial to post screenshots and make friends before we consider you one of us.
Unique.Creative.Meme-ridden. Join today!
Clan Name: [BF] / FileZilla
Clan Leader: scherzkönig
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: N/A
Other Information: make you in my clan ad me in icq , icq number is : 569-895-883
Place of Origin: N/A
Clan Name: [SNIK] / Snickers / SNIK Clan
Clan Leader: Leader Snickers
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: N/A
Place of Origin: Germany
Other Information:
Searching for people who can both rush and make quiet/covered-ops. Who proofs him good, will get Vide Leader Stats, or (if I'm gonna host one) Dedicated Server RCON-PW. We have one general Spray, which these People will get who proofed to be a worthy [SNIK]Soldier. We are intergamical, means we're existing in other Games too, like Clonk and maybe we'll be a Gmod Clan too.

Write me a message in this Forum, or add me. In ICQ please write as Adding Message : Your Ingame Name, your best skill, when you've got time to be tested.
Clan Name: [LOX] / LOX Clan
Clan Leader: SuperLOX
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: lox-clan.ucoz.net
Other Information: MSN: sashaabanin@ya
edited 240×, last 27.03.14 12:05:13 pm