
ps then turned onto NBK Natural bron killers
also add the best clan from along time ago SC Silent Commandos i think
Clan Name: [BHS] | Boom HeadShoT
Clan Leader: [BHS]Benzz/1\ + D1aMoNd.
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: www.clanbhs.co.nr
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information: The new clan of CS2D...
Edit: Done.
edited 1×, last 13.10.07 06:19:23 pm
GuestClan Leader: Meche
Total Members: 15
Clan Website: http://www.storm.rox.pl
Recruiting or not Recruiting: n/a
Other Information: Active, pwning.

Team SC = Team Silent Commandos
GuestClan Name : TSq / Terror Squad
Leader : F-BaBy
Members : 2
Site Name : http://fbaby.co.nr
Other Info : Active / Pwning

Clan Logo :
TSq | F-BaBy |LDR| has written
recruiting=yes Yea diamond 2 , But Gr!m R34P3R Was Supposed 2 Join , He Went Bak 2 TGV cuz he never really left and there was another dude , but he kinda... ehhh... SUX
Clan Name : TSq / Terror Squad
Leader : F-BaBy
Members : 2
Site Name : http://fbaby.co.nr
Other Info : Active / Pwning
Clan Logo :
Clan Name : TSq / Terror Squad
Leader : F-BaBy
Members : 2
Site Name : http://fbaby.co.nr
Other Info : Active / Pwning

Clan Logo :
Clan Name: GoBR | Go Brazil
Clan Leader: GoBR | ScarFace
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: None
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Sponsored by CS2D Brazil
Clan Leader: kG|Striker
Total Members (estimate): ?
Clan Website: http://kneegrow.freeforums.org/
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Always recruiting
Other Information: A cool new helpful clan

Join the tribe
GuestClan Leader: Masacre demon
Total Members (estimate): none we're brand new.
Clan Website: www.freewebs.com/psychotribe
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting! anyone, don't care if ur good or bad.
Other Information: Hoping to create a nice friendly tribe, will give people ranks and organise games.
Let me know if u wanna join on - Email address (only visible with login) - or the website, but im not sure if it works yet!
Clan Leader: empty
Total Members: ?
Clan Website: ?
Recruiting or not Recruitng: No
Other Information: Inactive.
Clan Nº27 and Nº56 are the same clan!! and the clan chile have 3 members
Clan Name: [DiamondsFanClub]/[DFC]
Clan Leader: Greyman
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: www.diamondsfanclub.co.cc
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information:None, one of CS2D's Famous clans.
Clan: .:.PB.:.
Leader: Cary
Members: 6
Inactive: 5/6 members stopped playing ecept Aj
Other info: One Of CS2D's Oldests Clans
(my first clan lolz)
Clan Name: kill death ratio /-=KDR=-
Clan Leader: wankertje
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: http://killdeathratio.eamped.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: no
Other Information:None, one of CS2D's old Clans.