1. WinRAR ( Click )
2. WinZIP ( Click )
3. IZarc ( Click )
Counter-Strike 2D:

1. Download CS2D ( Counter-Strike 2D ).
2. Create a folder on your desktop named CS2D.
3. Move to the folder named CS2D on desktop.
4. Open your CS2D folder on your desktop.
5. Right click on icon.
6. Find "Extract Here" in the menu box and click.
7. Close the CS2D folder.

1. Open CS2D folder that is located on your desktop.
2. Find CounterStrike2D.exe in the folder.
3. Double-click CounterStrike2D.exe.

1. Go to Options.
2. Click in the name box where it says "Player".
3. Type your name that you use in the box.
4. Choose a spray by clicking on the spray box.
5. Choose a color for your spray.
6. Close the Options menu.

1. Click on "Find Server".
2. Take a look at all the servers.
3. Pick one that you may find to like.
4. Double-click on the server name.
5. Pick a team, Terrorists or Counter-Terrorists.
6. Choose your players' skin.

edited 10×, last 14.09.08 08:57:45 pm